Carry On Langport's Archives

Saturday 19 December 2015

Huish Church Tower

Local landmark 'reappears'

After at least 2 years in the shadows, the east face of the tower at St Mary's Church has had its floodlight repaired and is once again illuminated in all its glory shining down the road towards the Rose and Crown, Huish Episcopi and other hamlets and villages in that direction.

Until that side of the tower was plunged into darkness at night, it was often used as a popular navigation tool for local drunks leaving Eli's trying to get back up to Huish and Langport.

"My husband's been walking into the church wall on the corner, staggering across the churchyard and waking up in a woman's bed at St Mary's Park for nearly two years" said a woman from Bow Street, "thank the lord they've turned the tower light back on - now he can see what an ugly tart she is."

A micro-light pilot from Wick who regularly flies over the tower in the evenings said he was "relieved" it had once again been properly illuminated, "I know every inch of that bleedin' lightning conductor" he said, as he booked another endoscopy at Musgrove Park.

But not everyone's impressed by the switch-on which has been causing some late night confusion. This man said he thought the tower was a service station and accidentally reversed his vehicle into it last night.

Meanwhile, Huish Vicar Jess Pitman has admitted the floodlight went out two years ago when she dropped her hair straighteners in the font during a christening and caused a Huish-wide power surge...injuring 3 people at Romford Meats where a cattle-prod went off in a meat packer's drawers.

It's believed a number of other local landmarks may be floodlit at night in the near future including Langport Church Tower, the front face of the primary school and the side door at Tesco (Sunday nights only).