Carry On Langport's Archives

Saturday 12 December 2015

Somerton 'divided'

Town Council split over third runway.

The ongoing row over plans to build a third runway at Somerton Airport shows no signs of abating. Local councillors are said to be split on the issue, residents too.

Speaking from his official residence, on Portland, 'Del Boy' Kanvin said "Somerton really needs this, especially with more and more Chinese flying in to visit Clarkes Village."

But the bellringers weren't so sure, "Any new runway would mean the demolition of St Andrew's Church tower, which lies smack bang in the middle of the aircrafts' trajectories. Why can't they extend Pitney Airstrip instead?" said one of them.

We went to Overt Locke to ask staff there what they thought but there were so many of them we decided to come back another day when we've got more time.

But the White Hart was keen to have a say, "More flights would bring in a better class of customer" said the manager, "then we can send the Behind Berry lot to The Royal Oak and everybody's happy."

A full decision on a 3rd runway at the airpoirt - formerly known as The Edgar Hall - is expected to be made in 2050.

Extending Westonzoyland airstrip has also been ruled out after an 'incident' there earlier this year.