Carry On Langport's Archives

Tuesday 16 May 2017

From Our Readers...


We strive to publish all correspondence with Carry On Langport but will refuse to print anything abusive or threatening.


Dear Carry On Langport,

Print anything like that again and we'll knock yer teeth out.


Somerton Rugby Club


To the Editor,

Could your blog make it clear to local walkers that unless they've committed a crime, absolutely nobody is allowed into the grounds of Langport Prison - especially that little bit of the river bank we mow and think is know...the land which leads past our premises and up to The Wharf.

Recently a young boy being chased by a group of Bridgwater teenagers tried to get over our gate and we had to kick him out despite his moment of need.

The gate there clearly reads "Private Property"

At Langport Prison (pictured) rules are rules I'm afraid...whatever the S.O.S maybe.

Yours faithfully,

The captain of the SS Californian


 Dear Sir or Madam,

Every weekend my husband and I drive through your town of Langport on our way to our second home down in Devon. To pass the time, we often play 'I spy' with the children as we go by.

Could I just say how much fun we've been having going through North Street in recent weeks. 

All the best,

Name & address provided.


To whom it may concern,

At the recent Langport Town Assembly meeting, a member of the public sitting next to me in the audience - seeing how many projects and ideas the 'cash-strapped' town council had - asked its leader why councillors couldn't "just run the town" instead of constantly looking for new ways to spend our money.

Myself and several hundred other council tax payers in Langport couldn't agree more. Which is why - months after our part-time town clerk gets a new paid assistant to help him - we are puzzled to see an advert in the local press looking for even more staff. Now it's a 'Project Development Support' officer on a self-employed consultancy basis. More expense.

Is there a pot of gold hidden somewhere in the town hall?

"There's certainly a crock of something" said one of our Whatley sources.

As the lady sitting next to me said at the town assembly at The Wharf that evening a few weeks ago: can't they just run the town?

Apparently not and we look forward to the town council's next 'big project'...a chocolate fireguard shop under the clock and a Dodo colony on Langport Moor.

Rant over. Many thanks.

A Langport Council Tax Payer

(£87 per month - one bedroomed flat - no garden - single person occupancy)


To the News Team,

Is that a typing mistake in Levelling Langport magazine this month?

My wife and I always appreciate the thorough quality of its reporting but the article by Mr Lansdown about the Green Scythe Fair on page 28 surely can't be right.

Unless I am reading it wrong - a single person turning up in his or her car [alone] will have to pay ten pounds to get into this year's event?

This is surely a printing error?

Or could it be that as it gets more and more successful....the Green Scythe Fair has begun to show signs of what we in the west country call 'slightly up itself' syndrome?

Please clarify.

Many thanks.

Mr and Mrs Saunders
The Stationary Cupboard
Huish Academy


 Dear Carry On Langport,

In response to a recent article on your blog about how our business could be a 'gold mine' if we tweaked our opening hours slightly:

No....we have absolutely no idea why we don't open before 9 o'clock in the morning.

Your readers may also be interested to know that a business which once stood on this site used to sell black-out curtains.

It too was often closed...between 1939 and 1945.

Many thanks.

Yours faithfully,

A bakery in the centre of Langport.


If you have any correspondence, send it in via the Facebook Page or dig out the news team in their usual haunts.

More letters to the Editor later in the summer. 

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