..as new parish notice board row escalates...
An unknown source at Huish Episcopi Parish Council has tweeted that "Langport should get ready" if the town tries again to advertise events on Huish's new village notice board.
It follows an attempt to put up an All Saints Hall jumble sale poster on the new board on Monday.
Langport reacted angrily when the notice was taken down and retaliated by removing a St Mary's Church bellringing poster from its notice board on Bow Street.
The tit for tat escalated when Huish claimed 3 houses as its own at Garden City, a sensitive border area.
In response to the mounting tensions, public information leaflets are expected to appear in the next edition of Levelling Langport magazine...
"Of course it could all be bollocks" said a reporter at Carry On Langport, "but we'll cover it anyway"
If you have any real news, send it in...spring is here and silly season is just round the corner.