Carry On Langport's Archives

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Here we go again...

Persimmon Homes opposite Kelways - comments deadline is today (Thurs)

Whether you're against plans for almost one hundred new homes opposite the former Kelways Inn or you just want to prevent the beech hedge being ripped out by the developers - the deadline to get your comments to South Somerset District Council is today (Thurs)

Persimmon, which recently lost a bid to build 94 homes on the plot known as the Trial Ground, has resubmitted the application and also put in a second one to keep hold of its original outline planning for case the 94 one is thrown out again.

We believe neither application includes the retention of any part of the beech hedge, photographed above this week.

Unfortunately, planning law means that the dozens of you who put in objections to the original applications now have to do it all over again...your previous e-mails etc will not be considered for these two 'fresh' applications.

Still with me?

So here are the links, it is important that you comment on both applications. Clicking below will take you to the SSDC website, click comments and off you go.

On another related matter, some housing developers across the UK have 'mistakenly' felled trees which had so-called TPOs on them...tree preservation orders.

The beech hedge does not have such protection but these chestnut trees along the roadside opposite the former Inn do:

There are 4-5 of them. It's worth bearing in mind that Persimmon is a very wealthy firm so the odd fine for felling trees accidentally would be a drop in the ocean...while we would still lose our local greenery. 

Carry On Langport is sure Persimmon wouldn't make such a mistake.

But if you see contractors turn up one day with chainsaws with their eyes on these chestnut trees...well...they shouldn't have. Ring round, stick it on Facebook and get people down there.

For more details on TPOs across Langport and Huish Episcopi, you can e-mail Mr Phil Poulton who is the district council's tree officer.

Back to the Trial Ground and all of you who objected to the housing estate and/or the removal of the beech hedge last time may well have been the reason the district council rejected keep up the good work and get your comments in ASAP.

Make sure your district councillor Clare Aparicio Paul knows how you feel too by e-mailing this address, she's on the committee which votes on the applications [again] later this year.

In the interests of balance - it's important to ackowledge that some readers may well be for the housing and for getting rid of that bleedin' beech hedge, in which case go for it. The comments section on the district council's website is for everyone.

 Oh yes, we swing both ways here at Carry On Langport.

That's it for now.

 Up the revolution.





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