Carry On Langport's Archives

Monday, 9 December 2019

Deer back on their feet....

 ...after last night's storm.

Just like last December, the weights holding the deer down on the roof of Stuckey's Bank weren't enough to keep them upright overnight as gales swept through Langport.

All ok now though.

But the withy statues still aren't plugged in. At the Christmas Fair on Saturday, Town Council Leader Val Saunders told Carry On Langport it was because "we can't find the extension cables!"

Anyone got'em?

There are no further details on that one but in other news:

Your polling stations on Thursday

A reminder to anyone who doesn't know but Huish Episcopi voters have to go somewhere different to vote this week.

Your polling station will be in the old St Mary's Church Hall on the bend there opposite the church.

But to get in we understand you can't go up the steps there on the corner like when it used to be open to the public (i.e: before the Church of England put it on E-bay and used the money to buy The Angel) Instead you have to go in to Huish Leisure and follow the signs.

Langporters will, like last time, find their polling station at the Town Hall.

Happy voting folks.

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