Carry On Langport's Archives

Sunday 15 March 2020

As Moor Close residents go through this...

 ...Network Rail puts out a letter 5 weeks out of date.

Langporters received some surprise news in the post last week.

A letter from Network Rail saying that the embankment works on the moor were being delayed because of a badger set being found on site...something which happened 5 weeks ago.

 For some reason the company has decided to tell us again, some residents say they did indeed get a letter about the badgers back in February.

The letter also says that they have "no timescale as to when our work will now finish" and rather oddly says that "the main work" at Langport is on refurbishing the bridge over the river.

Nothing about the tonnes of aggragate laid on the moor to build a road and the noisy piling that's been going on for weeks. Or the glaring night-lights, the mud on the roads and the traffic snarl ups.

 The foul language isn't mentioned either, that Moor Close residents have to hear at 3 o'clock in the morning as workers shout at each other about their sex lives just yards away from children's bedroom windows.

In fact, judging by this letter that's turned up, it looks like head office at Network Rail has little idea of what's actually going on at Langport.

It is signed by the firm's Community Relations Executive Clare Dingwall, who - after some lengthy online research - we have discovered is Frank Spencer's daughter.

Many thanks to those who contributed to this article.

There are no further details.

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