Carry On Langport's Archives

Wednesday 22 December 2021

No bells over Langport this Christmas...


Today's Carry On Langport advent window is dedicated to Langport town clock, photographed here the last time it worked in the 1950s.

No no not really, in fact it's worked pretty well for over a hundred years including in recent decades when dear old Ernie used to climb up in to the roof space above the town hall and wind it until he fell ill and passed away.

Then a computer was put in charge of winding it, then thousands was spent on renovating the faces:


Then this spring it stopped. Hands jammed on a different time on each face begging the question "surely the expensive work just a few years ago was guaranteed?"

Only if the new problem is related to the work that was done folks - probably not!

So for over 6 months it's only been right 4 times a day [think about it] but with one saving still chimed! So accurate was it, in fact, that the bell rang exactly when BBC Radio 4 played out the pips. 


Now though in recent days, even the hourly chiming has stopped as the complete mechanism appears to have ground to a halt.


No clapper striking, no cogs turning, no pendulum swinging.

Indeed, the only thing moving is dear old Ernie spinning in his grave.

Let's hope this isn't all an omen for 2022 eh.

One other thought, let's also hope that old bell isn't silent for too long.

Or else before we know it...more townies will have moved in, get used to its absence and then complain like buggery when the thing restarts next year.

You have been warned! 

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