Carry On Langport's Archives

Sunday, 3 March 2024

"We're gonna build a wall!"

Well, no, just a fence actually.

Plans appear to be in the pipeline to construct a fence along the entire stretch of this footpath on North Moor.

Quotes have been asked for to construct the barrier along the route which stretches from the river bank to the wooden footbridge that leads to Tesco.

A handful of theories are being put about.

One, that someone's complained about cow pats on the path (surely that's part of the charm?), two that someone's complained about cows chasing children and/or dogs or three - and this one may indeed hold some merit - that farmers whose cattle graze the land are concerned they may have legal action taken against them if their animals were to attack the footpath's users.



We'll let you lot argue out the rights and wrongs of the plan.

Carry On Langport has its own ideas.

Mainly that any barrier would help stop the hooray Henries from Combe and Aller walking across and getting in to the town to buy sourdough bread and shabby chic furniture without a permit.

The proposals also beg the question: who's going to pay for it? Not Langport council tax payers surely who are about to face yet another increase in what the town council asks every month from our hard-earned wages?

One final thought, if a fence is to go up, let's have a string of turnstiles along it eh.

Even if they do allow Aller and Combe residents in, we still need access to the moor right?

All food for thought!

That's your Sunday bulletin folks, log in again soon!

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