Carry On Langport's Archives

Saturday 25 April 2015

Cow fakes own death

Burton Pynsent Monument 'myth'

The cow alleged to have been shot dead and pushed out the top of the Burton Pynsent tower just outside Curry Rivel has been found alive and well living in Weston-super-Mare. 
Doris Fernworthy, above, was always said to have been put down after wandering up the famous landmark's spiral staircase in 1955 and getting trapped. The story's been told to generations of young calves. But it's now emerged Miss Fernworthy faked her own death after running up a huge tax bill.
"I'd been self-employed at Jotchams for most of the early 1950s" she says, "but when my tax demand came I had to take drastic measures so I concocted the Burton Pynsent plan. It was either that or work Saturdays at Scrivens."
Miss Fernworthy has spent the last 60 years disguised as a donkey on Weston's beach but has now been named and shamed by several media outlets. 
She's being investigated by the Milk Marketting Board and is thought to be in hiding at The Grange.

Some of the cow's nieces, at Burton Pynsent Monument yesterday, are said to be "disgusted" by their aunt's behaviour.