Carry On Langport's Archives

Saturday 25 April 2015

'Genius' at Academy?

Kingsbury boy 'more clever than Hawkin'

We read with interest in The Western Gazette this week that a 12 year-old Kingsbury Episcopi boy has scored 162 in an IQ test at Taunton. This puts him two points above Professor Stephen Hawkin, pictured above, whose IQ is said to be 160. A staggering achievment young man, well done.
Unfortunately not many of us who went to Huish Episcopi Comprehensive in the 1980s got such a good education. Let's remind ourselves of parts of a typical school day back in, say, 1983:

  • Assembly. Hundreds of us in the upper school hall attempt to sing 'Give me Oil in My Lamp' with Mr Gray on the piano. Somebody in the back row lets off a stink bomb and we all run for cover, storming the vestibule.
  • The mid-morning bell rings sparking a mass movement of pupils to their next lessons. 3 students trampled to death by 5th years in the Maths Corridor. Mr Russel knocked to the ground. Pleas of  "Go and get Mr Cox" are ignored for at least an hour.
  • Combined Science with Mr Beardsworth (if you can find him). Within half an hour he's blown up a 3rd year. Over in Mr Gillings' class - one of the Stuckeys has punched him and gassed the locusts.
  • PE. Mr Brough (whatever you do don't mention his first name) and John Wright are, once again, putting the fear of God into young men who've forgotten their towels and who've left a spec of mud on their football boots. At least 7 first-years wet themselves.
  • End of day bell rings: chaos. Mrs Green in the art block is already in her camper van heading to a festival. Mrs Deeley has been locked in the stationary cupboard with Mr Gooch and Mr Dunford regains consciousness after an hour of RE. Over in the Maths Corridor, Mr Cox switches off 3 BBC Micro Computers causing a power surge in the staff room where Mr Gray was using the kettle. His eyes roll back so far, after school band practice is cancelled for 30 years.