There's a clamper about!
News has reached the Carry On Langport editorial office (Eli's) that at least two 'large vans' were clamped in the Peony Valley area (Brooklands Road if you're under 30) yesterday. Whether it was because they were unroadworthy or untaxed or something else we cannot say but it's worth spreading the word that they are out there.
It's not a one-off either. Last month a carvery was clamped as it tried to leave the Langport Arms kitchens and just last week the Ridgeway Hall was clamped by the town council.
A district council spokesman warned there was more to come.
"In the next 48 hours we intend to clamp Langport Clock unless the owners sort it out. We've also been asked to clamp the doors at One Stop after Saturday's incident and the cucumber display at Tesco."
There are no further details.
For help removing a clamp - check this out:
Carry On Langport does not condone removing legally placed clamps.