Carry On Langport's Archives

Saturday 18 July 2015

News just in...

Traffic calming introduced at Eli's.

In the last hour we've heard management at The Rose and Crown are expecting such crowds this afternoon that traffic calming measures have been introduced outside the men's toilets.
The mass convoy of steam engines and other vintage vehicles expected later often draw numbers similar to that on New Year's Eve...or when the juke box in the top room accidentally plays out free records.

We understand the Eli's traffic calming cost management 38p, marvellous value for money when you consider how much taxpayers money was wasted on getting Frank Spencer and his mates to build Langport's roundabout at Brooklands (Bartletts Elm if you're under 30).

Above: several Kelways Inn customers reportedly had 'issues' trying to get around the Brooklands roundabout in the early hours of this morning.