Carry On Langport's Archives

Saturday 22 August 2015

Turned out nice again!

Torrential rain and lightning storms hit Langport.

Langporters and Huish residents have been running for cover today as downpours and thunder storms hit the area. There've been reports of at least two lightning strikes causing minor damage to a number of properties. But Bow Street residents denied The Angel had been hit with one woman saying the building had "always looked like that" and reports of screaming coming from the massage parlour at Mary Coombes were also said to be inaccurate. "That happens there most Saturdays anyway" said a Portland Road resident. 

Over at Eli's, a power surge caused 3 orange lightbulbs on the outside guttering to spring into life while inside the pub it was alleged the lightning cut the juke box out before it had played a pound's worth of songs - Landlord Steve Pittard said he was "delighted". Reports that Langport Clock had been struck were also denied, "it's always looked like that" said the town council clerk - as he tried to work out if it was twenty to eleven or half past three.

The manager at Portcullis House old people's home, above, said the rough weather had ruined her weekend and she's had to cancel her residents' game of British Bulldog this afternoon.

 But it's not all been bad news: Vicar Jess Pitman says she got her broken laptop working again after connecting it up to the lightning conductor on the tower at St Mary's. "At last I can get back on Facebook" she told us - as she changed her status to 'defrocked', put her gardening clothes on and went out to fertilize her hollyhocks.