Carry On Langport's Archives

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Police Probe Langporters 'tamper' with Christmas lights...

Police are accusing a handful of homes along North Street and Bow Street of tampering with their new exterior bedroom window electricity supplies which are powering the town's festive lights.

People living at at least 15 addresses have allegedly been out and bought electric blankets since the sockets went up. Even those up by the Hanging Chapel are implicated with allegations they too have run a cable down Priest Lane to tap in on the Black Swan's supply.

"I think the Freemasons have switched over to electric air pumps on Monday evenings" said a woman living at the top of Bond's Pool.

Police say anyone who knows anyone illegally obtaining a public electricity supply anywhere in Langport should e-mail Crimestoppers on:


Lost & Found

A Carry On Langport reader has found a car and house key thrown down on the floor between The Kelways Inn and Shires Garage. Looks like it was a good night out. Message the blog via the Facebook page and we'll put you in touch Vicar.



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