Carry On Langport's Archives

Saturday 24 December 2016

Here he comes...

Experts reveal the route Father Christmas will take around Langport and Huish

Air traffic controllers at RNAS Yeovilton have released this map of the route Santa Claus is expected to take across roof tops in and around Langport and Huish Episcopi tonight.

The information is based on the route he took last Christmas Eve and it has brought to light some fascintaing 'irregularities'.

Firstly, that he always seems to come from the Long Sutton direction and approaches our neck of the woods that way.

"Happens every year" said a Pibsbury farmer's wife, "we think Rudolph uses our B&B's Christmas lights as a beacon"

"and Santa likes to do the townies with second homes round Sutton Green first before he'll even think about Courtfield" she added.

Our map also shows that in 2015 Father Christmas called in at the vicarage [with a crate of gin] and then popped over the road to St Mary's Church for a quick selfie...

- and there's more...

"It appears everything was going well until he shot down the railway line and swung right into Wagg Drove" said a spokesman at Yeovilton, "then he seems to have lost the plot"

Indeed, last year, all those addresses after the sleigh's Wagg Drove drop-offs reported getting the wrong presents and the 00.35hrs London to Exeter train hit a dishwasher on the line at Upton.

The Food Standards Agency says it's investigating the contents of mince pies left out for Santa at at least two addresses on the drove last year.

It's believed he also landed for fuel at Shires last year...

Rudolph immediately noticed the pumps ticking over an extra penny even though Father Christmas had stopped squeezing the nozzle, "oh what winter magic here in Langport" he thought.

Young or old, rich or poor, clever or daft....even if you're from Somerton...Carry On Langport wishes all its readers a Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy and prosperous 2017.

 - and carry on reading 😊😊😊


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