Carry On Langport's Archives

Monday 14 August 2017

Ideal Christmas Gift...

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For those readers fed up with Hanging Chapel stories...apologies but here's another. just 5 days the online petition has clocked up almost 12-hundred names.

Here's the link to go and sign it in case you haven't already. 

Efforts are being made to force the town council to hold 'an extraordinary meeting' which basically means a debate, with the public present, which could lead to a vote, which could lead to an official town referendum...which could force a u-turn or even an election.

But the Clerk (instructed by the town council leader?) appears to be putting up hurdles and obstacles to stop that extraordinary meeting...quoting 'council rules' etc.

Here he is downloading the North Korean parliament's users' handbook last night.

Nevertheless, campaign group Friends of the Hanging Chapel say they'll be holding their own public meeting anyway very soon somewhere in Langport or Huish.

 Possibly on August 29th so pencil it in folks.

A lot of people are now saying that with all these signatures and public anger - you'd think the town council leader and the 6 members who voted with her (to offer the Freemasons the opportunity to buy the chapel) would be doubting their own judgement, realise they've slipped up and be thinking about backing down.

Not a bit of it apparently.

In fact, we've been sent this footage of our town council leader speaking to a flock of sheep behind Tesco on Saturday.

What a carry on. Watch this space for details of public/council meetings and other activities aimed at making sure our grade I listed Hanging Chapel is managed properly....and not sold off at the first sign of trouble.

In the meantime, you can contact our town council leader yourself.

Here's her e-mail address, which is in the public domain and appears on the council's website. 

No insults or threatening language please. 

Just keep to the point - you may even want to support her stance which appears to be that the Hanging Chapel is simply a financial drain on council/Langport Trust funds and that the town's finances would be better off without it.

It's just the apparent underhanded way she's done it all - secret votes etc - that is rubbing people up the wrong way (as well as the idea of selling it in the first place)

I mean who on earth is advising her....has Maggie made contact from the other side?

There are no further details.

Many thanks to all those who contributed to this article.


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