Carry On Langport's Archives

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Last night's parish meeting...

Editor's Note I: this story is moving fast and there been resignations today. Look out for updates.

The 'Chapel 7' face the music

Up to a hundred people turned out at Great Bow Wharf last night to demand answers from Langport Town Council & Trust over allegations a secret  vote took place at the end of June to give the Freemasons the opportunity of buying the Hanging Chapel.

Around a dozen people asked a number of questions but public efforts to expose the truth were thwarted by council leader Janet Seaton and her clerk's answers which were more about council/trust rules and regulations than what went on at that early summer meeting.

Both panelists regularly informed questioners that what they were asking about was confidential despite cries of "public interest" from the audience.

A number of people suggested to the council leader and her 6 council supporters that they might have wanted to admit to the gathered public that they could've handled the whole Hanging Chapel thing a tad differently...perhaps hold a public meeting first instead of a secret vote to possibly sell it.

"We all make mistakes and it's ok every now and then to say that you may have got it wrong" someone said.

Mrs Seaton and none of the 6 who voted with her responded.

It was also put to the leader and clerk that the Hanging Chapel item was not listed correctly on the agenda that night in June and that neither were there any supporting documents to enable councillors to make their decision (which usually happens)

They had no answer to this challenge.

A number of people in the audience, professional and laymen alike, also came up with funding ideas to get the chapel out of its financial doldrums.

It quickly emerged at least two organisations which would offer grants hadn't even been contacted by the town council's own project officer - a person whose salary our council tax pays for.

"Why is it town councils always have to get someone in to do something when they could do it themselves or turn to the expertise and ideas in their own community?" someone asked.

- again, no answer from either Mrs Seaton or the clerk.

Towards the end of the meeting town clerk David Mears told the crowd that he'd never seen such a turn out in all his time in local government.

It was indeed impressive. All seats were full with at least two-dozen people standing at the back and out in the corridor.

That's what you get when a council leader and 6 councillors secretly vote to possibly sell off the family silver, attempt to cover it up, blame everyone else and then go into denial.

At one point councillor Julia Gadd shouted at one of Carry On Langport's junior reporters asking whether the young man knew what democracy was.

Bit rich coming from the woman who voted for something in June that a hundred locals turned up to complain about last night.

The end of the meeting saw a hugely supported vote take place for a parish poll which would suggest that the town trust shouldn't have the power to make any major decisions about the chapel without the public say-so.

 It means referendum-type ballot papers will now be delivered in the post to Langport-registered electors. Polling day hasn't yet been set.

Editor's Note II

Carry On Langport believes in the journalist right of reply and is happy to print any correspondence from those who support councillor Seaton.

We would also be very interested to hear from Langport Freemasons (pictured above leaving the meeting last night) who, we believe, have not expressed an interest in buying the chapel with one heard saying "we wouldn't touch it with a barge pole"


More details on this story sooner rather than later - stay tuned


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