Carry On Langport's Archives

Thursday 21 September 2017

Hanging Chapel

 Parish poll: Wednesday

The summer row over the Hanging Chapel moves forward next week.

A parish poll takes place on Wednesday, a referendum-style question on how major decisions on the medieval building's future should be dealt with.

Only people registered to vote in Langport can take part. The polling station is inside the town hall and be warned: the opening hours are only 4-9pm, not longer like on election days.

Contrary to an earlier Carry On Langport report - polling cars will not be sent out. You just turn up in person and then your name is ticked on the register of electors at the polling station.

So what's the question?

The question on the ballot paper will be:

Should the future of the Hanging Chapel be subject to consultation and scrutiny by the electors of Langport?

The opinion of this blog, the one hundred people who turned up at a parish meeting last month and the 14-hundred who signed a petition is evidently YES.

It is very important that whoever ends up on the town council after the by election later this year gets a clear message from Langport voters that you cannot [allegedly] divert from an agenda during a meeting, have a secret vote to sell a major much-loved landmark and then - even worse - spend 8 weeks denying it and blaming everyone else.

Neither do we want councillors who resign en masse at the first sign of trouble instead of holding their hands up in the face of so much public opposition and saying "sorry - we may have got this one wrong"

Neither (while I'm on a roll) do we want a town council chair who appears to think that the town clerk works for him or her...when in fact that individual is an impartial civil servant..

- and neither (there's more) do we want a council which harps on about confidentiality while not appearing to give a toss about the public interest.

Anyhow - get out and vote next week - Wednesday at the town hall - you'll have til 9pm.



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