Carry On Langport's Archives

Monday 27 November 2017

It's all bollards


 Hanging Chapel Consultation - have your say!

In case you're not up to speed, Langport Town and Somerset County Councils have launched a joint consultation into whether bollards should be placed across the Hanging Chapel, effectively making the route a no through road.

It's in response to an increasing number of incidents where HGVs have hit the underside of the medieval building causing an amount of damage.

To have your say, click on the link below which will take you to a simple web page where you enter your details and an opinion.

Rather annoyingly, the consultation limits you to just three choices before leaving your comments. 

Before typing in the comments box, you have to either click on an option that you 'support the installation of the bollards', that you 'feel no change should be made' or that you 'do not have an opinion'.

Surely there's a fourth option? - that yes action needs to be taken, but not closing the road!

In other words, yes sort the problem out....but re-routing the area's traffic can't be the only answer can it?

Do we really want rush hour commuters filtered past both local schools in the morning? Sealing off the Chapel would mean everything has to go past the primary on North Street and the Academy at Huish.

All because a few HGV drivers use dodgy SatNavs instead of looking at local signage and using common sense?

There's got to be a less drastic answer. Many of you have suggested more signs.



House prices

But we mustn't forget those of you who wholeheartedly support the no through road plan.

Yes folks, one-way traffic leading up to both sides of a closed-off Hanging Chapel would not only prevent further HGV hits but increase the value of your home.

In fact, it's rumoured one homeowner along there has been contacting all his neighbours encouraging them to actively support the closure. Someone even told us he's printing out fliers to post through people's doors.

That's one way of getting your views across! (you should try blogging mate)

So stop reading this, go to the website by clicking HERE  and enter your views. The more people who comment on this one the better - 

- and you've only got until December 4th when the consultation closes.

I wonder what old Miss Lock who used to live in the little house next to the Chapel would think of it all? If only she was still about, none of this would be necessary. 

Although hang on....weren't there times when she used to wave vehicles through whatever was coming?

Maybe we should leave her to rest in peace.

In other news -

Thanks to the volunteers who put up Langport's Christmas lights on Sunday. Almost 20 people turned out to help. There are a few gaps and a few places where they're not working....but town clerk David Mears says he's "on to it".

The wicker/withy deer are expected to appear shortly as well as lights in the trees in the precinct.

All ready for the Langport Christmas Fayre and fireworks (and Malcolm & Richard's leaving do!) this Saturday.

Good stuff...who'd wanna live anywhere else eh?

Thanks to those who have contributed to the blog recently - keep it coming.



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North Street - Langport

Open from 9.30am Monday-Friday.

Tel: 01458-897077
