Carry On Langport's Archives

Sunday 3 December 2017


 Langport Christmas fireworks 'best ever'

The clear-up's begun in Langport after what scientists at the British Geological Survey say was the town's "most impressive ever" Christmas fireworks display.

It measured 8.5 on the richter scale.

Blasts from over Cocklemoor blew at least 12 plates off the wall in the downstairs bar at the Langport Arms, but the National Trust says the other 235 weren't affected.

19 Somerton residents were also flashblinded by the display.

"At least they won't have to see where they live" said Doctor Balai.

But not everyone's impressed by the explosions.

 "We've already got tans, thank you very much" said the master of the lodge at Langport Freemasons, pictured above listening to plans to paint the Hanging Chapel bright yellow.

In other news...

You only have until tomorrow to get your views in over whether the Hanging Chapel should have bollards placed inside/around it to make the route a no through road.

The county and town council consultation was, we believe, launched because of more problems with HGVs driving through it and hitting the medieval building.

However, several comments on Carry On Langport's Facebook page appear to show that locals are more concerned about speeding drivers, piss-poor parking and damage to their vehicles.

Fair enough.

My own view (shock horror) is that while there is a problem along that road, re-routing the town/village's entire road system seems rather drastic when there are lots of traffic-calming measures that can surely be introduced first.

Drivers also need to be 're-educated' about how to park on the Hill...people never used to park right at the top on the left and right which made negotiating the road a lot easier. But that unofficial rule seems to have gone out the window.

Hey but that's just my view.

Either way, whatever you think, click on the link below to take part in the consultations.

That's it for now. 


Do you want to save the beech hedge?

This beautiful landmark is due to be ripped out soon by Persimmon Homes who are applying to build almost 100 homes on the land opposite the Kelways Inn. The plot's official name is 'The Trial Ground'. 

Click on the link above to go to a website where you can sign a petition to save it.

The issue also needs to be brought to the attention of our district councillors who could possibly put pressure on Persimmon to include the hedgerow in its plans.

Here are their e-mail addresses, bend their ear...that's what they're there for.
