Carry On Langport's Archives

Thursday 11 October 2018

Dear Somerton Town Council...

Where are this lot gonna get their fuel and do their supermarket shopping?


 As the west edge of Somerton becomes one huge building site for the hundreds of homes proposed for the town, it's suddenly dawning on many of us that it's Langport the new occupants will be heading for.

Shires Garage is the nearest filling station for miles and Tesco the nearest supermarket.

Has anyone thought of this on our local councils?

If you think traffic on a week day morning's bad around Langport and Huish at the moment, forget the 80 homes going up opposite the Kelways Inn - wait til' Somerton's new housing kicks in and they all start looking for petrol, diesel and groceries.

That's when the shit's gonna hit the fan folks. 



Langport Town Trust's finances are still in dire straits and the trustees (town councillors) need to speak to locals/voters about it.

You may remember it was a black hole in the finances that lead to 'chapelgate' last summer and the subsequent resignation of a number of councillors.

The public meeting, also a question and answer session, is this Saturday at 1.30pm at the Ridgway Hall - that's the youth club building just off Bow Street.

It doesn't sound good folks - get down there, look at the options and have your say!


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