Carry On Langport's Archives

Monday 8 October 2018

From Our Readers...

A sample of Emails and Facebook messages from readers.


Dear Sir or Madam,

When the town clock was inspected earlier in the year prior to its removal and restoration, didn't anyone think to check the beam that holds the whole thing up?
The discovery that it's rotted out will now add unexpected expense and delays to the work. Who did the inspections? Frank Spencer? My father says it's the same person who did an internal insurance inspection of Eli's after its flood some years ago and failed to notice that there wasn't a bar.
Yep, that'll be him.

Name supplied.


 Dear Blogger, 

Over the summer it was good to see the Langport Area Business Group asking people what they like/dislike about the centre of Langport and its businesses etc, I know quite a few people who filled in the online survey.
Pity the town council and river project supporters couldn't have done something similar before holding a public meeting to show us a list of things they'd come up with and then asking us to write letters of support for the plans.

Name supplied.


Dear Carry On man, 

I don't know who she was but could I heap praise upon the lady I saw put her dog's poop bag in one of the official bins down on the moor the other day...unlike the other 8 dog-owners that day who left theirs on the side of the footpath in the grass wrapped in plastic for future generations to enjoy.
Well done Madame!

Name supplied.


To the Editor,

I think one of your town councillors at Langport decked my boyfriend at a music festival this summer, could you send me his contact details? I'd like to congratulate him...and ask his girlfriend where she learnt that 'adams apple throttle' technique...I've been trying to get him like that for years.

Name supplied.

 Dear Sir,

I've heard a rumour (welcome to Langport) that someone on the new committee at the Sports and Social Club has described attendance in recent months as poor and that the former chairman was "too friendly" with locals.
The club I've been to on live music nights all this year when it's been packed on the dance floor and 3-thick at the bar must've been some sort of parallel universe then.
- and as for being too friendly with the punters...this is rural Somerset my dear committee, not East Croydon.
I'm sure someone's just got their wires crossed and that the 'new broom' will do a splendid job!

Name supplied.

and finally - just one of several messages on the same subject:

Dear Blogger,

Could you pass on my regards to the police and tell them I hope they all enjoyed their time off last week in the South Somerset area.

I had a great time too, managed to poison the wife on Tuesday and strangle her mother Thursday...marvellous.

When are they going away next?

Name supplied.

Apologies to readers whose correspondence we didn't get around to publishing...including the captain of the Duchess of Cocklemoor who needs help counting his blue tokens and a former town councillor up near Shire's Garage who wants local busy bodies to read up on planning law instead of stirring up trouble over the position of her garden shed. 
