Carry On Langport's Archives

Monday 28 January 2019

No news is good news...

All quiet in the shire...

Nothing much to report across Langport or Huish during this last week of January.

Three to four houses have begun to take shape on the trial ground opposite Kelways, the town clock's still missing and the old pet shop opposite Fosters Newsagent is reopening. That's about as exciting as it gets.

Even Somerton's quiet where there hasn't been a fight at The Royal Oak since Thursday.

There are Langport Town and Huish Parish Council elections in May, think about if you want to stand...the current lot aren't all planning to stand again and even if they are - it doesn't mean others can't try for a seat.

- and we're all still waiting to hear when Eli's first ever card machine is going to be plugged in (power surges expected in Portland Road and Courtfield)

But yes, that's all we've got for you this cold winter evening.

The blog's had its quiet periods before, and then something absolutely priceless happens locally and the pictures come pouring in. Either that or somebody makes something up.

Either way, we're looking forward to it!
