Carry On Langport's Archives

Friday, 6 December 2019


 3.4 magnitude tremor hits Bridgwater

The British Geological Survey says it recorded a minor earthquake in the Bridgwater area overnight.

The quake, measuring 3.4, took place 3 miles under the town at 10.49pm and was felt for miles around including in Langport where 250 plates fell off the wall in the bar at the Arms.

"We're alright though" said the manageress, "that's only about half of them"

News channels have been covering the story as has Carry On Langport, where we've just realised we've used the wrong photo....that's the old cellophane factory. Oh dear.

In the last few minutes, a spokeswoman for the Bridgwater Inbreeding Association apologised for the earthquake and said that in future she would be asking residents of the Sydenham Estate not to all procreate on the same night of the week.

Carry On Langport also asked EDF if the quake, including the one in Somerset last year, was anything to do with boring and drilling in to the ground for foundation work at Hinkley.

They refused to comment but did confirm that the old Ready Brek advert - the one where the kids would glow in the rain while walking to school - was indeed filmed just outside the nuclear power station in 1976.


There are no further details.

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