Carry On Langport's Archives

Tuesday 14 July 2020

Looking for Local Radio?

 Good luck with that!

Anyone who still thinks the old Orchard FM and Midwest Radio frequencies are still broadcasting 'locally' from the westcountry, think again. 

They stopped coming out of Taunton and Yeovil years ago and went to Bristol. Now it's all coming from even further afield. Bauer media recently bought up FOUR local radio networks/groups across the UK and OFCOM - in their wisdom - allowed it.

Look at this list. Just some of those once local stations rebranding [again!] soon. 

 If you hear Somerset mentioned after September on the old Heart & Breeze frequencies for the county, put it in your diary, it won't be happening often. Much of the UK - including the westcountry peninsula - will be listening to the same shows with the same DJs.

"The A303's looking busy" will be an acceptable traffic and travel bulletin for our county. Your Somerset news on these old [Mendip Mast] frequencies, if any, will be "there's been a factory fire in Bristol". It's a crying shame.

The upside is, of course, that truly local stations that do broadcast from their area should benefit. 

Anyone who still wants local radio for Somerset can retune to either a commercial station like Radio Ninesprings [Yeovil] or BBC Somerset [much of which now comes out of Bristol]

Let's hope they stick around cos there's nothing else local on the dial folks!

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