Not over there! Over here!
For some months now there's been talk of tree planting on the big empty moor - North Moor - behind Langport, where the viaduct is.
Perhaps plant some native trees, like withies, to break it up a little - carefully avoiding powerlines but providing some much needed shade for cattle who during our summer heatwaves have nowhere to go.
And so there were nods of approval when it was heard recently that the trees had been acquired and plans were well underway to have them dotted around, even form a small copse on the land.
Great news, but it now looks like someone must have had the map the wrong way round.
Planting work's now underway on the Avenue side of the viaduct, completely neglecting the original hopes for North Moor....look through the arches and you can see the preparations.
Questions have been asked about why they're being planted totally out of sight "over there" and not "over here" on bleak old North Moor but in the words of one critic....
"It was like talking to a brick wall"
Well yes, that does happen a lot around Langport. You wanna hear what used to go on up Priest Lane.
Hey ho, there ya go. Trees in the wrong place are still better than no trees at all eh!
Still no word on when Langport Ploughing Match is likely to come to an end in the town garden:
The Dolphin's finally been sold!
The listed price was £400,000 - and for those of us who've never peeked round the back, look how much is behind those gates:
Definitey room for a few more cafes and hair salons in there.
The sale of the Dolphin comes as Bow Street's soon-to-open new pub, The United, announces a change of name.
'The Two Yews' as it will now be known, says it's already started hiring staff.
For those of us still baffled as to what Langport Town Council spends its slice of our monthly council tax on, are you doing anything on Tuesday night?
Maybe pop down and ask!
Locals say, thanks to this new poster:
...they're finally beginning to get to grips with when and what Langport's market days are.
Notice the absence on the poster of the Friday one, that's the one when apart from the curry vendor, only about 2 stalls turn up.
[the only picture we could find of tumble weed - taken up the sports club after a footy match recently]
P'raps not bother with that Friday market eh - hardly worth it.
Keep the Spice & Rice curry people though, they're a welcome sight [and smell!] on a Friday morning!
and finally...
Two weeks today!
The signs are up, the pub's got a band booked for the afternoon, now all we need is your junk and the punters!
It's a fiver per plot, stallholders should turn up anytime after 10am and be set up by 11:45am for a midday start.....and please stay until at least 3pm
That's your Sunday bulletin folks, thanks for the contributions and log in again soon!
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