Carry On Langport's Archives

Sunday, 9 March 2025


Let's get the big story out the way!

Somerset Council has decided that it's not really fair that some towns in the county have free parking while others have it charged, some town councils [not ours] even pay to keep some of theirs free.

And so changes could be on the way which are highly likely to involve some sort of fee to park in some or all of Langport's main car parks.

A plan to introduce overnight fees appears to have been dropped, but the day time proposals are still in the pipeline and will first have to be put out to public consultation, which according to a recently updated statement from Somerset Council has already been happening....

No no no, the Langport Area Business Group [LABG+] has already had a meeting about it, local councillors appear to be well informed but there's little evidence that Joe Public's been told much about it.

We're still waiting for the 'full' public consultations to begin. 

[Use of the word 'full' a tad cheeky here when there don't appear to have been any at all with the public so far]

The issue has raised questions and naturally provoked much gossip and comment in the town's cafes, pubs & clubs.



Let's look at a few things Hilda and her mates have been saying:

[rightly or wrongly]

"It'll never happen, the land's not Somerset Council owned - it's Langport's" IVY TILSLEY

"Residents with no parking of their own [most of Bow Street & Cheapside] will surely get some sort of permit? But will the permit be free?" ANNIE WALKER

"Yes, make the bloody paddleboarders that hog the carpark all day between April and September and leave their litter behind pay something - the buggers" ALBERT TATLOCK

"Would any money raised even go to Langport? Wouldn't Somerset Council get it?" EDDIE YATES


"Does anyone know when the Langport Arms porch is being rebuilt?" STAN OGDEN


So there you go. As soon as we see that the official 'full' [!] public consultations are open we will post a link for you to click on and take part.

But for now, dear reader, that is all we know or think or assume or imagine....etc etc.

Diddly squat about it on Langport Life by the way, that's our town council's official website. Unless it's hidden away somewhere 6 clicks in.

Biggest story facing Langport in years, if not decades, and nothing about it.

Long Sutton daffodil festival's on it though.

But updates have been appearing from time to time on the Facebook page Langport - Where It's To, which for those not in the know is Carry On Langport's much better behaved big sister



That's it on the parking story....just a few pieces of other news and a few events for you folks: 

Get those grey cells vibrating

Quiz Night at The Old Pound in Aller!



The big Aller pub quiz is TONIGHT!

Boasting 10 rounds of 10 questions each, subject categories include general knowledge, history, British Olympians and poetry.

And then the usual much-loved 'local' rounds too including village feuds going back 200 years, skittle match results from the 1970s and Middlezoy inbreeding figures.

It's £2 per person, maximum 6 people per team and there'll be 30 quid's worth of drinking put behind the bar for the winners.

It all kicks off at 6:30pm


Later this month up on land at Pibsbury:


and finally some good or at least promising news from Somerton:



That's your Sunday bulletin done & dusted folks.

Thanks for the contributions.

Comments, complaints & observations - as always - in the comments section on the Facebook page please!

Established 2015
