Carry On Langport's Archives

Saturday 18 April 2015

Who gives the Gazette its Langport stories?

Western's choice of top story 'odd'

Was the Western Gazette's Langport reporter - above - 'fed' this week's story about alleged drug use at the town's public toilets in an effort to 'hide away' the town council election story?
Its front page talks of "urgent action" as used syringes were found by cleaners at the loos. Fair enough - that is an issue that needs monitoring. Hard-drug use has to be stamped out, dealers hunted down and heroin users helped to get over their addictions (if that is what the syringes were being used for).
But the article also talked of legal high packets being discarded there too. Well they may as well have dropped a Mars Bar wrapper. Legal highs, I'm afraid - whether we like it or not - are legal and so no crime was committed. 
Far worse, isn't it, to see the shelves of local shops stacked with numerous brands of energy drink. These caffeine, taurine and sugar-loaded beverages, of which some youngsters drink several a day,  are increasingly criticised by health professionals for their effect on young minds and bodies - let alone what they do to the rest of us. So get a grip Gazette - is finding legal high wrappers in a public toilet really worth mentioning on a front page spread?
Moreover, where was the election story? Last week it was confirmed an unprecedented 24 people are standing for Langport Town Council. Last time round (5 years ago) that figure was just 7 and too small to actually trigger a vote. The fact that 24 people are standing could be seen as a reflection of what some see as public 'unease' with the current town council. Surely that merits a front page story this week?
No. The Gazette tucked it away on page 5. The 'horror in the toilets' got the top spot.
We all look forward to next week's front page - 'Dog turd found on Priest Lane'. 
Brace yourself.