Who put magic mushrooms in the beer?
Several Rose and Crown customers have reported having hallucinations this Wednesday evening as the weekly 'bikers night' took place. The event draws in dozens of motorcycle enthusiasts from all over the west country. But this week, at least 50 people claimed to have seen Morris Men turn up followed by Clog Dancers - all on the same evening as the bikers.
"It was horrific" said a local teenager, "I was trying to look at a Harley Davidson when I was clogged from behind and then poked up the arse by a jingle stick."
"I called the police" said one woman.
A fight then broke out when a clog dancer walked backwards into a Hells Angel who was in the middle of buffing his tank. The pair were later found wrestling in the vicar's hollyhock patch opposite St Mary's church.
Even the editor of Levelling Langport magazine turned up - above - but was promptly turned away when he realised Red Indian nights are on Thursdays.
Landlord Steve Pittard denied allegations he'd booked the bikers, the clog dancers and the Morris Men on the same evening and said someone had been smoking 'wacky backy' next to the top room's extractor fan again which had got everybody completely smashed - hence the hallucinations.
But not everyone took exception to the evening's events. "We thought it was marvellous and it reminded us of home" said a couple from Bridgwater as they raced back to their car to get back to the town before the 8 o'clock curfew.
Bikers nights are every Wednesday and so is bellringing practice at Huish Church - please wear leather.