Carry On Langport's Archives

Monday 2 May 2016

Complaints pour in....


...about the noise at sports club....

'A bit of music' at Langport Sports and Social Club last night prompted complaints about the noise from people in Pibsbury, Drayton, Newtown and East Croydon.

"It was all quite civilised" said Langport Town Council Leader Janet Seaton, "but then Huish Episcopi Parish Council Chairwoman Shirley Nicholas turned up with her Des O'Connor CDs and people just seemed to lose control"  (£750 was spent at the bar in just 10 minutes)

But police say there were no complaints from Eastover or St Mary's Park, "that's because we think they were all there" said Special Officer Doug Jones as he Googled 'how to solve arson in ten easy steps'

Above: Langport Town Football Club's goalkeeper turned violent last night when Dame Shirley tried to play Des O'Connor's Greatest Hits for the 3rd time. He spent the night at Yeovil Police Station.

Anyone who remembers exactly what went on at the club last night (not me) should e-mail: