Carry On Langport's Archives

Sunday 1 May 2016


Or is it?

Rumours are flying that the Langport Arms Motel has finally been sold. There are unconfirmed reports that the listed building, which went on the market when Cocklemoor was still a tropical rain forest, has been bought by Wetherspoons.

We could get the news straight from the horse's mouth by just going in and asking...but decided it's much more fun to speculate and wait and see.

- and besides, staff at the motel (pictured) were remaining tight-lipped about the news when we popped in last night.

If the rumours turn out to be false, it wouldn't be the first time.

- and in 1928 a rumour that the Home Office was going to turn it into a prison to house Eastover families was also proved to be false. It was decided instead to exile them to the cottage on the island down on the river with the Stuckeys (that old jail house has since been relocated to the new eco-prison next to the Wharf)

If you have any ideas for the future of the Langport Arms then please send them in in the usual way. 

Having said that, what most of us really want is for the current management team to stay in place - they are part of our crazy old town and would be sorely missed. Can't you give it another ten years chaps? (I'll need the function room for my 40th)
Watch this space for the latest up-to-date, reliable, trustworthy news and why not pop down to the Arms one day soon and have yourself a pint in Langport's oldest bar (and see what you can find out)