Carry On Langport's Archives

Thursday 4 August 2016



Come on girls...

During a drunken game of pool recently in the top room at Eli's, it became apparent that several local women (including a charity shop manager and former sandwich bar owner) would be up for a reenactment of Barbara Windsor's famous scene in Carry On Camping.

Not only would it make a jolly good blog story and photo opportunity, but it's believed the national media might also take an interest as Langport and Huish girls 'get some fresh air' in public.

We haven't asked the Rose and Crown yet, but the pub's cricket field would most likely be the venue for the event which would involve Carry On Langport's Editor (or the town clerk) shouting "and forward and back...and in and out....come on Barbara..." etc until the entire front row lose their bikini tops. We would fill the field (and bikini tops) with as many local women as possible

No date has been set but 'getting them out' before September seems to be popular.

Somebody's already suggested doing it at the Church Fete this weekend but a church warden told us the choir had "already done it" two years ago.

"The idea of a Carry On Camping reenactment is completely and utterly politically incorrect" said a disgusted Huish Episcopi parish council member, "...but I love it...and dozens of people on the erectoral register have already expressed an interest"

Only women on the front row would be required to 'have a wardrobe malfunction' but we would need several 'extras' behind them.

If you want to see how the original was done, watch 'Cor Blimey' on YouTube. The dramatisation of behind the scenes on the Carry On Films.

Here's the link.

Names of those who want to be 'out in front' to the blog's Facebook page please...or when we get a date just turn up on the day.

With the participants' permission the images will then be used for the Town Council's official calendar for 2017.

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