Carry On Langport's Archives

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Losing it in Langport


Belt up and shed some pounds in 2017

Carry On Langport has teamed up with the town's GP surgery and come up with ten simple ways to lead a healthier and fitter life next year. Here we go...

ONE. Shopping in Langport? Leave the car in the car park over the road from Huish Church and walk down and back. Maybe pop a few packets of kippers through the letterbox for the Masons upstairs in the chapel. Same goes for Brookland Road residents - going to Tesco? Leave the car and get yourself down Station Path.

TWO. Don't eat after 7pm. Food sitting in your stomach that soon before sleep isn't good. The 7 o'clock rule does have its downside though: means everybody's gonna be down at Chubbies at teatime.

THREE. Join a local skittle team. Improves your grip and you get some exercise. Warning: the eating and drinking habits of skittlers slightly bugger item two on this list.

FOUR. Learn how to rollerblade. It makes the trip between Kelways and Eli's quicker when on a pub crawl.

FIVE. Get your hiking boots on and walk the Langport/Huish parish boundaries. Nobody knows where they are and you'll be gone for days.

SIX. Try to find your friends who've moved to one of the new houses behind Newtown. Same as number five on this list. You'll be out walking for hours, the place is a rabbits' warren.

SEVEN. Get yourself a job window cleaning conservatories at Garden City. As soon as you're done, it'll be time to go round again. Maybe dig out the rollerblades for this one too - that way you can dodge the planning inspectors.

EIGHT. Become a volunteer for Langport Town Council's HGV count. It involves jumping up and down waving your arms about everytime a Scania gets stuck around Post Office Corner just as furniture's being delivered at St Margaret's Hospice shop.

NINE. Become a Langport Town Councillor - it also involves jumping up and down waving your arms about...whenever anyone asks why the town clock is in the state it is.

TEN. Campanology anyone? Bellringers welcome newcomers at Huish Church on Wednesday evenings - it keeps you fit and you'll be able to officially say you play the vicar's jukebox (and wind up St Mary's Park residents once or twice a week)

Let us know how you get on. 

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