Carry On Langport's Archives

Thursday 16 February 2017

Job Vacancy

Another way to spend taxpayers' money...

Langport's part-time town council clerk (who we understand spends some days of the week working for at least one other council) is so busy helping our elected representatives spend our money he now needs extra help.

An ad' has appeared in the local press in recent days which reads 'Vacancy for an Administrative Officer'. 

It begs the questions why don't we have a full-time clerk instead of employing two people and how can Langport afford another salary?...especially when it appears to be so strapped for cash (see page 4 of this week's Western Gazette)

"No no no" said one of our insiders, "you've got it all wrong....two heads are better than one"

He went on to explain that the current clerk needs help explaining a few things to Langport council tax payers. He has faxed us a list of some of the PR work the new administrative officer will need to work on:

  • why the public toilets cost £10,000 a year to run
  • why the town council is funding free charging for electric car owners at Cocklemoor Carpark
  • why the highly expensive disabled/wheelchair users lift to the upper floors in the town hall still doesn't work
  • why everything has to be 'done by the book', putting jobs out to tender when local tradesmen/workers would probably do it for less.
  • why, nobody can come up with a place to store the Christmas deer on the roof of NatWest (which are apparently being converted to Easter bunnies as a short term solution to the problem)
  • and why Langport's 'unofficial emblem', the Victorian town clock, still hasn't been done up when at least one local craftsman/expert has offered to look at it, give a quote and sort it out.

He doesn't believe it...nor do the thousand Langporters who pay higher council tax than their mates in Huish.

Rant over.



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