Carry On Langport's Archives

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Getting our own way since 1972...

...and ripping out hedges near you soon:

Persimmon Homes will again try to get planning permission today (Weds) for 80 dwellings on the land opposite The Kelways Inn.

Despite dozens of local objections entered on South Somerset District Council's website (which councillors see), there's no guarantee it'll be stopped.

The arguments against include that the Langport and Huish area has already had its quota of new housing (behind both Kelways and Newtown), that local sewers won't cope, that rain run-off will overwhelm the drains, that the surgery can't cope with anymore patients, that the area's roads will become busier and that tiny Langport's facilities won't cope with the extra people and traffic.

There's also strong local objection to removing this avenue of  beech hedges which stretches from the main road at Kelways down to part of Garden City.

The large chestnut trees along the roadside (opposite the former pub) are protected with tree preservation orders. But experience from other parts of the UK shows us that that doesn't guarantee their safety...housing developers have been known to 'accidentally' chop down officially protected trees.

What's a small fine and a slap on the wrist to a multi-million pound business eh?

Members of the public can speak before the meeting, which is at 3.30pm at the council offices at Brymton Way, Yeovil.

 Let's see what we get and our 'local' (she lives at Stembridge) district councillor Clare Aparicio Paul votes.

Click on the link above and scroll down to see how you can get hold of her.

Many thanks to all those who contributed to this article.
