Carry On Langport's Archives

Saturday 22 September 2018

How does it all work?

 Carry On Langport: a guide.

The 'Langport Blog' as some people call it, or "that loada bollocks that bloke writes" as others describe it, has clocked up several new readers over the summer.

So for the newbies, and readers of old too...and all the geeks out there...let's take a look at how it all works.

Reading on Facebook? You'll need to see the full post for this one. Click here:

This post includes details on contributing to Carry On Langport and advertising your business or event.

Carry On Langport is written by a born-and-bred Langporter with help from friends, aquaintances and readers. It is produced in Langport, was launched in 2015 and is published on, a domain owned by Google.

Here in the newsroom, the control panel or 'dash board' gives us round-the-clock statistics of how many clicks or views the blog's getting and when.

Take a look: (you'll need to click on some of these to get a better view)

It also tells you which stories are being read, here's how many views stories have had over a week, the headlines/story title are on the left:

Google also send us stats on IP addresses, as in which countries readers are logging on from. Carry On Langport is almost 4 years old and with help from notifications on Facebook, it gets spread all over the world. Largely by former Somerset residents who are travelling or living abroad.

Google call this 'the audience', here it is over the last week:

This section is fascinating and it changes week on week...we think the 'unknown region' could be Middlezoy but we're not sure.

I've been told there's an office-load of Brits reading in New York because they "miss English humour", that a load of Chelsea housewives read and share it in London and that a former landlady and landlord of the White Lion read it from the bar they run on the Spanish coast. Brilliant.

We also have former Langport area readers who live in Australia, New Zealand, Portugal and France. Greetings! You all know who you are!

The Carry On Langport Facebook page is there to tell you that the main blog site has a new story on it.

If you are 'click lazy' and can't be bothered to look at the full post on, fine. But note that the Facebook notification only displays one of Carry On Langport's pictures, any others will be missing. 

- another downside of only reading on Facebook: For legal reasons, paid local advertising - including local events - can only appear on the main blog site, not on the Facebook post.

Local advertisers need have no fear though, according to Google Stas, visits to the main blog site are healthily high, currently yoyo-ing between 1500-2500 per week (September 2018)

"I've not been getting your blog recently"

We get that a lot. There is anecdotal evidence that from time to time you may have to click like/follow again to 'remind' your Facebook account that you want to be notified when there's a new post.

"I'm not on Facebook"

Excellent news, you are in good company. Always good to spend time with people who don't look at their smartphone every 5 minutes in case one of their friends has uploaded a video of their new doormat.

So you either manually go to during the week to see if there's a new story or you can enter your e-mail address here, at the bottom of the post (or entire blog), scroll right down to the bottom:

 ...and you'll be e-mailed when there's a new post.


Yes please. A growing number of Carry On Langport stories (daft, semi-daft or factual) are based on contributions from readers. The best way to get in touch is via the Facebook page then we can give you an e-mail address if needed.

Locally taken pictures (or pictures of locals) are always great and go down well with readers. Group photos in particular. Stag nights, hen nights, pub nights, sports events, people up trees, in ditches...all know the score.

"Can I advertise my business or event?"

Yep - for a small fee you can take advantage of the viewing figures Carry On Langport gets.

Here's a sample of some local ads that we've done in the past or do at the moment:


Get your beer/real ale locally from our brewery on the Bancombe Road business park.

Click on the link above to visit our Facebook page or make an old fashioned phone call on


Cheap, tasty and local!

Need a lift? Stuck at the pub? Don't wanna walk home?


"Don't call us....we're as buggered as you are"


Good food - great outdoor area - come and check us out!

If you want to advertise, get in touch via the Facebook page or find the news team in all the usual haunts.


Think that's it, now you know a bit more about how it all works.

We've covered most things I hope - or at least what people usually ask about.
Cheers for now and carry on reading folks!
