Carry On Langport's Archives

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Serious or fun here on Carry On Langport tonight?

 Serious - and this may well offend some people.

Do you know anyone aged between around 18 and 25?...approximately anyway?

This appears to be the age group - some of them at least - who have absolutley no idea about how bad the corona virus outbreak in Britain is getting and how bad it is going to get.

This is the generation - many of them - who do not watch TV news or listen to radio news like the rest of us.

They use smartphones, i-phones and tablets to watch nonsense but rarely any live streamed news.

They watch videos on You Tube and Tik Tok and other platforms. They watch Love Island, reality TV and videos of people being sick on rollercoasters or falling out of windows. They follow people online who tell them what to wear and how to do their make-up.

They have never watched a BBC, ITV, Channel Four or Sky News bulletin in their lives.

They think Panorama is a Greek Island and that Newsnight is a dating app. They change the channel when a news bulletin comes on TV - that's if they even watch TV.

We all know someone like it right? They say "like" about five times a minute and think Winston Churchill, Queen Victoria and Princess Diana were characters in Game of Thrones.

They have absolutley no idea where Italy and Spain are let alone how bad the corona virus situation is in those countries.

'No idea what is going on, not just with corona virus, but generally'

Please - if you know any of these people - sit them down and make them watch some of the harrowing corona virus-related scenes coming in from all over Europe and the rest of the world. 

Tell them how contagious this virus is and that in a few weeks time there may well not be any hospital beds left in Somerset. Tell them if their granny or grandad gets ill, they'll probably be on a trolley in a corridor at Musgrove or Yeovil.

Then explain to the dopey twats what social distancing is.

Why the bitter rant? I saw some of these people in Bow Street this week and had to stop myself ringing the local mobster and ordering a machine gun.

To describe them as being thick as pig shit would be an insult to the pig shit to be honest. 

I am absolutely not saying everyone in this age group is the same but they are definitley out there people and are about as useful to life in the UK as a chocolate teapot.

Ok - rant over.

Carry On Langport has probably lost a few dozen followers by posting this...but it was either that or go and get that machine gun (there's a dealer on Bow Street)

Stay safe people - and if you're unlucky enough to have one of these uninformed dipsticks in the household - see what you can do.

If you can't afford the machine gun there's always the toaster-in-the-bath method, think that's how The Krays did it.


Also on Valium, Anger Management, Facebook & Instagram.
