Busy Bodies Needed.
Speedwatch volunteers are needed in Long Load. Only self-important people with hairdryers need apply. If you have a few hours to spare and want to help with the war on drivers then please get involved. Of course, you could use those few hours in a different way...perhaps going around the village knocking on doors and checking elderly people who live alone are ok and if they need anything done - or you could even go litter picking or maybe charity collecting. But no - we want you to stand in the road with clipboards and get drivers trying to earn a living into trouble. Apply by carrier pigeon, provided it doesn't enter Long Load's air space at over 20 miles per hour.
Pictured: Editor of Levelling Langport magazine Andrew Lee and Vice-chairman of Huish Episcopi Parish Council Graham Lock trying to run over Speedwatch volunteers in Aller last week.
Carry On Langport does not condone driving carelessly through residential areas.