Carry On Langport's Archives

Sunday 24 April 2016

Langport Girls Deported


Spain expels Kelways staff

The Spanish Embassy has confirmed that a number of Somerset women, two of them staff at The Kelways Inn,  were 'asked to leave' the island of Mallorca earlier today after the resort of Magaluf was reportedly devastated by their visit.

Complaints about all-night parties, drinking competitions and strip poker games were made to police within a day of their arrival. On Saturday Spanish Television cancelled its bullfighting to go live to the scene where the 'Kelways girls' were filmed up palm trees semi-naked singing the Queen happy birthday.

Jose, and his brother Hose B - both local firefighters - said they were called to the Hotel Getemoff (pictured above) on Thursday where a drinking game involving Sambucca started fires on at least four different floors.

A spokeswoman for Kelways who didn't want to be named - Amy Cooper - said she would be "disappointed" if the reports coming from Spanish Police were true.

"The girls have really let me down" she said, "they know drinking competitions are far better with spiced rum - what were they thinking?!"

 There was even an incident on the plane at Bristol Airport on the way there (above), when one of the Langport girls heard that Easyjet had run out of gin.

There are no further details at present.

Anyone with anymore photographs of the holiday is urged to pass them on to Carry On Langport in the usual way.