Carry On Langport's Archives

Saturday 23 April 2016


...Rose and Crown relaunches its Wednesday evening extravaganzas...

The first leather sale of the year took place at Eli's this week. On Wednesday, dozens of bikers from across Somerset turned up to sell their wares. It follows the enormous success of the events last summer and so the pub decided to 'carry on biking' for 2016.

"The relaunch on Wednesday was marvellous" said the landlady, "I've never had so much leather in my garden!"

The Chairwoman and vice-chair of Huish Episcopi Parish Council were among the first to park up this week (above).

"It's great to have it back!" said the Vicar at St Mary's, who was seen buffing her fuel tank in the vestry this morning.

But not everyone's happy, "I've been parking my mobility scooter under those hanging baskets for thirty years" said one local, "but on Wednesday I had to pull over in the old sand's a disgrace"

Bike nights are every Wednesday at the Rose and Crown throughout the summer.