Carry On Langport's Archives

Thursday 21 April 2016


Happy Birthday old Ma' Windsor!

The old lady living in the large detatched house at the end of The Mall is celebrating her 90th birthday today.

Flags are flying on church towers across the country and bells will be rung too - including at St Mary's in Huish Episcopi at 8pm this evening (apologies to republicans living across St Mary's Park and Courtfield)...beacons are also being lit tonight at various locations.

Congratulations to Somerton for one of the best local displays...union jacks are hanging from several buildings in the town centre and along its main streets.

"We were hoping the town council might have done something similar down here" said a shopkeeper on Bow Street at Langport, "Never mind, maybe they'll get it together for her 100th."

We're also getting reports Her Majesty and The Duke of Edinburgh turned up at The Devonshire Arms in Long Sutton last night for a romantic birthday dinner for two.

But it didn't go well - moments after sitting down in the restaurant, the manager told them they were too middle class and asked them to leave.

The Queen, pictured above minutes later in the queue at Tony's Fish and Chips in Somerton, wasn't amused.

Don't let it ruin your birthday Ma'am and God Save You.

( and sorry about that Battle of Langport business...we really should've known better...we were all just a bit bored that weekend...Eli's was closed for its new men's urinals to be installed and The One Stop doors had got stuck again and we couldn't get any won't happen again Ma'am )