Carry On Langport's Archives

Sunday 17 April 2016

As spring rears its head...


Ten wonderful reasons why you should encourage friends and family to visit the marvellous Langport area this year:


Mingle with our town and parish councillors at the local outdoor pool...

Take advantage of the special offers at Langport's main supermarket...

Bring your children to Langport Rec where they can meet and play with youngsters from Eastover...

Stretch out and enjoy the sunshine with locals on the riverbank at Cocklemoor...

Do some sightseeing...hop on to our excellent transport network and go and see if you can spot some local hippies...

Check out one of England's first ever 'eco-prisons'...

 Visit The Hanging Chapel and see what really goes on inside a Freemasons' Lodge...

 Pop in and see the excellent facilities at the award-winning Portcullis House Old People's Home...

Let Julian Temperley and his wife show you around their most-excellent cider making operation at Stembridge...

and meet the two women who run the place: Langport Town Council Leader Janet Seaton and Huish Episcopi Parish Council Leader Dame Shirley Nicholas....pictured below at a recent licensing committee meeting at The Rose and Crown...

Who needs the Costa Del Sol when you've got all this?


This Carry On Langport article was inspired by a recent Facebook feature - many thanks to the author. Here's the link: