Carry On Langport's Archives

Saturday 16 April 2016


Remake of Wizard of Oz being filmed at Kelways.

The Kelways Inn has admitted the 1930s movie classic The Wizard of Oz is being secretly remade on its premises. The above photograph, taken in the ladies cubicles last Sunday, was leaked to the press earlier this week and has triggered mounting excitement among film enthusiasts. 

- and in the early hours of this morning (Saturday) these local drinkers were seen being recorded singing the film's hit song 'Follow the Yellow Sick Road' on the pavements between Eli's and Kelways.

The production company says they are still auditioning for some of the major roles.
"Julian Temperley's agreed to play the scarecrow....but we don't have a lion or tin man yet." said a spokesman as he read through several applications from Somerton to play the Fairy Queen.


Filming is expected to be completed in the coming weeks.