Carry On Langport's Archives

Friday 30 June 2017

Brace Yourselves...

 This one really takes the biscuit

Members of the press and public are often asked to leave certain parts of council meetings when sensitive and or confidential items are discussed - it's perfectly legal.

This happened a few Tuesday evenings ago when - it's alleged - Langport Town Council chair Janet Seaton and her clerk David Mears proceeded to 'push through' a vote on asking Langport Freemasons if they'd like to buy the Hanging Chapel.

Read that bit didn't imagine it.

Not only did it go through, councillors (some of whom opposed it) were allegedly warned they faced legal action if they spoke to anybody about it outside of the chamber.

Two of the councillors weren't even there - yet the vote still took place. 

 Carry On Langport likes to keep the town council on their toes with the odd pun and jibe. That's what satire is about, Private Eye magazine has been doing it for decades.

But this one really does take the biscuit and there aren't really any jokes that fit the 'crime'

What crime? Voting to sell off a much-loved local Grade I listed national monument with not so much as a word to the general public? - and then allegedly threatening councillors who opposed it?

There is a huge public interest aspect to this story and councillors who have gone public should be applauded. 

What sort of people do we have leading our council if votes like this are going through?

There's so much to say and write about this one that I will leave it for a few days and give readers time to get their jaws up off the floor.

There are lots of further details...but they're being saved for another day.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this article.

Watch this space.