Carry On Langport's Archives

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Off to pastures new...

 Langport Town Clerk hands in notice.

David Mears, the Clerk at Langport Town Council, has told councillors he is to leave his post next month.

It's believed Mr Mears, pictured above trying to fix the town clock himself last summer, has secured himself a job as clerk at the much bigger Bridgwater Town Council.

He's already been spotted in the Taunton Primark store trying on the latest range of 'NFB' baseball caps.

In planning his departure, Carry On Langport wonders whether our clerk may 'do a Liam Byrne', he's the Treasury Secretary at Westminster who left a good luck note for his successor when Labour lost the general election back in 2010...

Oh dear, hope not - surely there are some other 'new job' gifts for the newby?

 Now that's more like it - available at all good book stores.

We're still awaiting the clerk's leaving party details - watch this space.

- and if you want his job, click on the link below for more details.

Applications have to be in by September 7th, if you get an interview...don't mention the chapel.

That's it for now...scroll down for advertising.


Fancy an early morning swim in the fresh air?

Or an evening dip out in the open as the sun goes down?

What about somewhere local?



Where else are you gonna go?



Langport Town Council is applying for a £200,000 European grant to build a boardwalk along this riverbank pathway stretching from Cocklemoor to Black Bridge. The money would also be used to build bird hides, improve slipways into the water for kayaks/canoes etc and for new signage.

If you have a view on this, get down to Great Bow Wharf at 6pm on Tuesday 11th September for an open public meeting where you can hear more about it from town councillors and other interested parties.
