Carry On Langport's Archives

Thursday 7 April 2016

District Nurse 'badly hurt' Langport Surgery's new automatic doors short circuit again...

A nurse at Langport Surgery says she's considering legal action after getting stuck in the new automatic doors at the practice for the third time this week.

Sister Olive, pictured above moments after the most recent incident, is now refusing to use the surgery's main entrance and will only go in via the fire escape.

Several other people have also complained.

"Last Tuesday they kept snapping at my sample....THREE TIMES I had to go home and get a refill" said a Drayton woman who didn't want to be named.

Langport Town Councillor Cara Naden also had problems...

"The bloody things wouldn't open unless I put down my guitar and took off my daisy chain" she told us, as she chained herself to a tree on the new Bartlett's Elm estate for the fifth time this year.

But not everyone's upset - Muchelney Potter John Leach says he's never laughed so much in his life after the doors closed on his apprentice's jugs this morning.

A spokeswoman for the surgery told Carry On Langport the matter would be sorted in the coming weeks.

"It had better be" said Thorney Lakes owner Richard England, "I've got 300 nudists coming to the area in the summer....we don't want any accidents."

If you've had anything snagged in the new doors at the surgery, please send in details in the usual way.