Carry On Langport's Archives

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Coming up next week:


Chaired by a local journalist with a panel of local guests to answer your questions, this is a week tonight folks!

Not BBC Question Time by the way, we've just 'borrowed' the title.

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Thursday 10 October 2024

Public Meeting


See how Langport Town is dwarfed by Huish Episcopi Parish:


[Editor's Note: rather difficult to get that border line accurate - this is just to give an impression of the difference in size between the two - sorry folks!] 


It's very early days, but moves are underway to disband Langport Town Council and Huish Episcopi Parish Council. 

The two would be replaced by a single authority with a number of responsibilities and would have control over how to spend money largely raised by council tax payments across Langport and Huish.

How many councillors would sit on any new body is yet to be ironed out and being an elected council, there's no predicting how many councillors both 'sides' would get.

That would be all down to the ballot box on polling day.

[not sure it's productive to talk about 'sides' but there you go]

Lots to discuss!

The idea was put forward years ago but was shelved after a somewhat 'rowdy' public meeting at Huish Episcopi Comprehensive School hall.

Now it's being proposed again.

So what do you think?

To find out more, air your views and quiz a panel of invited guests - a Question Time style event is being held in the ballroom upstairs in the Langport Arms on

Tuesday 22nd October

Huish Episcopi and Langport residents are invited.

Hosted by a local journalist, it begins at 7pm.

As stated earlier: it's very early days but if you want to get your tuppence-worth in now, stick the date in your diary.

Shouldn't last longer than 90 minutes and then it's straight down to the bar for a good chin wag!

and we've found a better 'borders' map [thanks to SD]

Food for thought eh?


That's it for the moment folks.

Thanks for reading and log in again soon!

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Sunday 6 October 2024

Carvery or Curry?



As technical problems continue with the Langport Arms potato rumbler, a spokeswoman for the hotel - spotted at Curry Rivel garage yesterday - has admitted they may have to start looking "elsewhere" to get the Sunday spuds done.

There are no further details.

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Thursday 3 October 2024

When Two Become One.....


Watch This Space!

 Efforts are underway to hold a 'Question Time' style event one evening this month for the public to hear and ask more about proposals to merge Langport Town and Huish Episcopi Parish Councils. 

The independently organised event [not council-run] is supported by the Langport - Where It's To and the Langport & Huish Community Group facebook pages and will be chaired by a local journalist. 

Both leaders of Langport Town and Huish Episcopi parish councils have been invited to sit on the panel along with one or two other individuals. 

The Langport Arms has agreed to host the evening up in the ballroom. All we're waiting for now is our panelists to commit and then we'll have a date for you. 

So watch this space!

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Wednesday 2 October 2024

Who Do You Think You Are?


Anyone in Aller STILL wondering which way their DNA comes from...

We've just had this notification from

Just follow the finger sign!


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Friday 27 September 2024




Believe it or not Langport used to have a carnival until the early 1980s with floats and everything, as did Curry Rivel and Hambridge.



They all sadly don't take place anymore but other processions are still going strong!

Here are your Somerset dates this season:



If you're going to 'the big one' don't forget brollies, flasks of coffee, hot water bottles and the most compfy shoes you can find!

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Wednesday 25 September 2024



Langport businesses still asking why the Friday 'market' gets a mention on 'Welcome To Langport' signs when they don't. 

Oh no, wait , bugger, that's a picture of Chernobyl Funfair not the Friday market.

Nuff said.

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Historians call it 'Pre-One Stop'


But here in Langport, if you're old enough, this is known as the 'Pre-VG era' 😊

Until the late 1960s this waterway flowed from North Moor, behind the town hall & through this patch of land and down to the river.

Only when a storm/flood swept through and brought down part of the wall you can see in the picture, did a handful of Langporters put their heads together, scratch their chins, have a pint or 5 in the town's 8-9 pubs and decide that 'hey - maybe cover it over and build a line of shops?'

Building began in 1968/69....


With several Langport youngsters having to relocate their eel and minnow catching efforts [including you Malcolm] building got underway.

The precinct, or as many Langporters simply referred to as 'The Carpark' was finished in November 1970 when a handful of locals opened up their shops.

The businesses, in those early days, included Frank Pengelly, AJ Rule's fishing rod and gun shop, Mrs Body's Chocolate Shop Bow Cards [with the exceptional help of Jenny Knight who later took over], fruit & veg shop Country Fayre at the end down where Pendra's is today, VG, Vanessa's and Jaqueline's and Richard Body's men's clothes shop.

Maisie's bakery [not sure about spelling!] was also a huge part of Langport life there in the precinct as was, in one of the older original buildings, Cyril Head - the man behind the project, who always fixed your television set when you were getting Westward instead of HTV [or Mr & Mrs instead of Tales of the Unexpected]

Apologies to the many stores that have come and gone that we've forgotten!

And as many of us remember, there was no 'island' with trees and benches back in the 70s, 80s and 90s....back then you parked wherever your car stopped:



[I blame British Leyland]

and here we are today in 2024:


That's your little trip down memory lane folks!

So if it hadn't been for that storm back in the late 60s this may never have happened! 

Food for thought eh?

Thanks for reading and thanks for the contributions Malcolm Head, Barbara Mills, Steve Pengelly [and his Mum] and Brian Hunt 👍

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Wednesday 18 September 2024




For Newtown, Meadow Close and Wearne viewers who've been struggling to pick up HTV & Westward in recent weeks - we're delighted to announce that the Trotter brothers fixed the relay aerial up on Garden City corner yesterday. 

Normal service has now been resumed


and Gus Honeybun's Birthdays will be on as usual today at 3.55pm.


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Our local scouts groups, that's over 100 young people, may soon have to cease operations unless vacancies can be filled and more volunteers found. 

The youngsters, pictured here up the rec recently trying to find a local footballer who still uses the sports club instead of going straight down to The Swan after a match, are a great asset to our community and it would be a crying shame if our local group had to fold. 

Admin' roles also need to be filled. 

If you think you can help or want to find out more, e-mail:




That's it for the moment folks, thanks for the contributions and carry on reading!

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Friday 13 September 2024

Check this one out:


Showing off its brand new canopy [many Langport businesses used to have them] Cafe Arteazen has expanded its hours becoming the new early evening venue two nights a week on Cheapside.


Worth a look?

 The old caf there on 'post office corner' doesn't get much of an airing online.

Not all businesses in town are members of the Langport 'glitterati' and so we're happy to give it a good shot of publicity!

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Friday 6 September 2024



Just a reminder folks High Ham Village Hall is holding a show on Sunday.

[looks like they're holding more than that 😂]

All locally grown fruit & veg, flower displays too.

Starts at 1pm.

Let's hope the village defib machine's working eh.

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Letters (and parcel bombs) to the Editor

A selection of your e-mails and messages to Carry On Langport last month.



Dear Sir,

While walking past Huish Academy one day last week, watching a teacher count the genders during a fire drill in the playground, I came across a group of 20-somethings from Essex who said they were lost and couldn't remember where their accommodation was.

They were all wearing 'bling', the women had more make-up on than Boy George when he gets out the shower and the men were in tight jeans and muscle shirts talking about how they don't need indicators on their BMWs.

I am pleased to say that I was able to help and sent them straight down to the former United Reform Church on Bow Street.

If anyone else finds a similar group of youngsters wondering around with the same problem, I suggest they do the same or send an emergency e-mail to


 Percy Sugden.


To Carry On Langport,

Can I just thank everyone who ran to my husband's aid when he passed out at a pub in your area recently.

After tests and scans at A&E in Taunton I am pleased to say it's nothing too serious.

The consultant identified the condition as 'SSS' or Sudden Shock Syndrome.

If anyone wants to read up on it and find out more then I would recommend visiting a website all about the problem.

Its address is:

Many thanks and thanks again to all those who picked him up off the floor that evening.

Margaret Meldrew.


Dear Editor,

Does anyone know if there is wifi in the undercroft under the town hall in Langport?

My mother and I got lost in the Vintage Quarter last week (so many narrow streets and little lanes) and if we'd had a decent signal we would have been able to open Google Maps on our phones.

Many thanks.

Gail Tilsley.


To the blogger,

Can I just thank Tesco in Langport who have changed my life in recent weeks.

I now walk so many 'steps' around the supermarket trying to find what I need that I've begun to lose weight and so I've cancelled my membership at Huish Leisure.

With the money saved I can now afford the store's weekly price rises.

Happy shopper here!

George Roper.


Dear Madam,

Now that it's open again, I was wondering if I could move my night staff back to Priest Lane at the weekends?

If anyone knows who now runs the bookings rota, please let me know.


Cynthia Payne 


To Carry On Langport,

I suppose now that the Langport - Where It's To facebook page has been adopted by the Langport Area Business Group they'll be reigning it in a tad and we'll have to rely on you to provide the local 'filth' online.

No change there then.

Keep up the good work and don't let the buggers grindr you down!

Yours faithfully,


 The Vicar.


That's it for now folks!

Thanks for the contributions, keep'em coming and carry on reading!

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Thursday 8 August 2024



It's hard to find all your local what's ons in one place but we'll give it a try!

[Apologies to the events/gigs we've missed]


Live music and....





To the following weekend and at Pitney....


Later this month two great music events at two great pubs just two miles apart.....


Meanwhile, Cider Saturdays are still going strong over at the Temperleys...


and finally

Cartgate Picnic Area on the A303 says it's just opened it's new 'night feature' for visitors who like lorry drivers but can't find a mask....


That's it for the moment folks, thanks for the contributions and log in again soon!


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Wednesday 7 August 2024

Oh Dear.....



It's happening again!

As Carry On Langport approaches its 10th birthday, we're again being accused of inaccurate reporting and spreading rumours. Never, really?

It's kinda what we've been doing since 2015 [always an ounce or two of truth to many stories though] 

But as long as no media laws [there are many] are broken and as long as you keep contributing with your dodgy photographs, naughty videos and great stories....we shall carry on! 


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Saturday 3 August 2024



New layout at Tesco 'worse than Lidl' as woman dies of old age looking for cat food.

There are no further details.

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Friday 2 August 2024





Our MP can't help herself this year, still using phrases like "vital projects" about the misguided campaign to get us a railway station. 

She's gone one better this time, check out "my constituents cannot wait any longer" 

Priceless. That really is a belter Sarah. 

She's quite right of course. Life around here with railway stations at all points of the compass about 30 minutes away really is bloody awful. 

Half of Bow Street's moving to Gaza next week. It's just shocking. 

Keep up the good work Sarah [representing public concerns and opinions apparently]

We eagerly await your next calm and understated railway station campaign publication which we believe is entitled 'ELE' which for the uninformed stands for Extinction Level Event.

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Wednesday 31 July 2024

Olympic Water Events Relocating to Parrett?


Garlic or Cider? 

Vous Decidez!

As Paris continues to struggle with pollution levels in the River Seine for its Olympic events, there are unconfirmed reports Langport Town Council has offered the use of the Cocklemoor stretch of the River Parrett.

"We've suggested hosting the Paddle Board and Fishing events" said a spokeswoman.

French officials are said to be interested in the idea but have questioned whether the Somerset waterway is in fact cleaner than La Seine.

"on no it's still polluted" said a local, "just got less garlic and more cider.....same difference"

If Cocklemoor does host the games then it's believed the Paddle Board Relay will have an extra element added at the end as a special 'thank you' to Langport.

Once competitors have crossed the finish line - they then get out, have a giant picnic and leave as much rubbish as they can piled up on and around the benches and at nearby litter bins.

As for the fishing event - it's believed that would involve competitors refusing to fish anywhere along the river between Bow Bridge and Black Bridge because there are now far too many paddle boarders to make it worth bothering with.





In Paris last night the Turkish team won the Chasing a Customer Down the Street with a Pair of Tongs 100 metres.

Chubby, who until recently ran the kebab house in Langport, took the gold. 

[for the uninformed....there is a video but we're sitting on it for a while longer]


That's your Carry On Langport Olympic Bulletin folks.

Thanks for the contributions and log in again soon!

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Sunday 28 July 2024

Can anyone fix my Hadron Collider?


It was another successful day at the monthly Langport Repair Cafe yesterday at All Saints Hall! 

However.....and the organisers/menders are far far too polite to say this so - based on what we observed yesterday - we'll do it for them..... 

This is a quick [quick-ish] fix pop-up repair cafe run by volunteers. 

Now you know Carry On Langport doesn't like to exaggerate [😂] but wheeling in knackered Easyjet engines, nuclear reactors or missile launchers is ever so slightly taking the mick.



And you can look as grumpy as you like Doc but they don't do time machines either. 

They're always willing to try but when they only ask for a minimum donation of a fiver.....well then you get the gist. 

Other than that, as happens every month, 99% of people turned up yesterday with very realistic 'repair' requests and enjoyed the tea/coffee and cakes on offer while they waited.

 The next one [we think] is the last Saturday in August.

Been going two years now and always looking for new menders if you have any skills you'd like to offer once a month. 

You can dip in and out as often as you like and it runs all year.

That's your Sunday bulletin folks.


 Rocking the boat since 2015



Friday 26 July 2024

Letter from a Pooch:


Dear Carry On Langport,

Every Friday I get this. 

"Walkies!" they shout at me "Come on, we're just popping down to Eli's for a few pints of cider" 

All I get is a bowl of warm water. 

Every Friday it's the same and every Friday it's me who has to walk them home. 

It's disgusting, I'm fed up with it.



PS - Glad Priest Lane's finally back open though! Got somewhere to cock me leg again on the way back!


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Friday 19 July 2024



Figures from the Home Office have revealed 14 more families moved out of Langport last month.

A Whitehall spokeswoman told Carry On Langport it was largely down to cows being allowed access to the footpath along North Moor [to Tesco] and the lack of a railway station.

It's reported the cow issue should soon be resolved with several thousands of pounds about to be spent on a fence along the entire stretch of the [pictured] footpath. Thank God for that eh. How have we managed the last thousand years without a fence?

As for public transport, it's reported people from Ukraine and Gaza are even moving out saying Langport and Somerton without a railway station are "absolutely unbearable".

Couldn't agree more - no job prospects or quality of life since Westover and Eastover stations closed in the 1960s. It's been a nightmare hasn't it.

But have no fear, our Lib-Dem MP has already written to the new Minister in charge of public transport about our 'ordeal' here in Langport....


How have we all managed these last 6 decades? Having to get to Yeovil, Taunton, Castle Cary or Sherborne to get a train.....bloody disgusting.





Nice bit of sneaky advertising there on the Town Council website for a riverside cafe [partly run by a town councillor]

Other good riverside cafes are available. Like the Kitchen at The Wharf....


....which would have been in the town council website video had the passenger boat been filmed coming through the bridge the other way.


And finally...

 Who'd have thought it? Pibsbury's having a festival!

£100 to camp up there for the duration or £20 for day tickets [£15 if bought online in advance]

This is up Windmill Lane if you're wondering where tiz.

Here's the link to the website, click on it to find out more...


That's it for the moment folks.

Don't forget the Somerset Steam Fair & Country Show this weekend up on the hill outside Pitney.

£14 on the gate, children go free.

Next time: news from the new Bow Street 'party house' and who's going to cut the ribbon at the official reopening of Priest Lane?

Log in again soon!

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Wednesday 3 July 2024




Don't forget folks, celebrating the general election, there are swingometer parties at Cartgate Picnic Area, Pitney Woods and Aller Drove tomorrow night. 

Come when you want, watch out for landslides and definitely don't bring photo ID.


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Thursday 27 June 2024



Anything decent on the box at the moment?

Carry On Langport jumps into a parallel universe for a moment and looks at what the TV listings might look like if Langport and Huish were the centre of the universe.....

 [which of course they are, right?]



DOCTOR WHO - The Tardis lands on Cheapside, Langport in May 2024 just as an asteroid ploughs in to the front of the town's oldest space station. BBC1 - Saturday - 7pm

IT'S A KNOCKOUT! - Enjoy the chaos on one of Langport's narrowest streets, Bonds Pool, as parents drive up and down collecting their children from the scout hut at the bottom. In tonight's episode - entitled EVER THOUGHT OF PARKING DOWN ON THE REC AT THE EASTOVER END AND WALKING ACROSS? - the driver of a 4x4 wider than a Persimmon Home (only coming to pick up one child) refuses to back up as 4 others come the other way. ITV2  - Thursday - 8pm

SUPERMARKET SWEEP - Watch locals grab all the groceries they can at Langport Tesco before products are discontinued and replaced with something 3 times the price. In this week's quarter final it's Garden City versus Moor Park Road. BBC1 - Friday - 5.30pm

ABANDONED ENGINEERING - the show about megastructures, machines, architecture and other aspects of days gone by no longer relevant to modern life. In tonight's episode presenters visit the knackered wind-up bridge outside the old Railway Hotel, Priest Lane, and Saturday nights in Langport. YESTERDAY CHANNEL - Thursday - 8pm

PANORAMA - the Panorama team investigates plans for a long and expensive set of fences along North Moor to seperate the 'Tesco path' from the common land used by local farmers. What's prompted it? Who complained about cow pats? Was somebody's child/dog attacked? Who's paying for it? Why has it not been a problem for the last 250 years? and will walkers be able to bypass it if they're carrying a clubcard?  BBC2 - tonight - 10.30pm

TOMORROW'S WORLD - In a relaunch of the once popular BBC TV series - the team takes a look ahead at the year 2040. Langport's new railway station, on former Huish Academy land opposite the Peony Valley estate [where they used to hold archery games and on the school's crosscountry route], has now been open for 5 years. Roads have been bumper to bumper with traffic ever since as commuters pour in 24/7 to park up and take trains. With Langport now on the national rail timetable, forget buying a house, renting's become the new trophy but barely 40% of local young people can afford it with many having to move away from where they're from and go for lettings in Yeovil, Chard, Crewkerne & Bridgwater instead. BBC4 - Saturday - 7.45pm

GRANGE HILL - in tonight's repeat of the vintage 1970s secondary school drama, head teacher Mrs McClusky ponders what the comprehesive system might look like in the 2020s and jokes with staff about punishing children wearing school uniform shoes 'the wrong shade of black', kowtowing to pupils identifying as cats instead of telling them to belt up and not being able to smack a kid round the head anymore for being cheeky (or identifying as a cat)  DRAMA CHANNEL - Thursday - 4pm


and finally in the Carry On Langport TV listings.....


MALCOLM & RICHY - news series of the award-winning drama written by James Cordon and Ruth Jones. In next week's episode, the former owners of the Langport Arms Hotel accidentally drive their infamous motorhome off the pier at Barry Island while reaching for a crate of Merlot and knocking the handbrake off. BBC1 - Tuesday - 9pm




Oh what fun!

Thanks for reading, bit of local advertising for you and then that's it...

Up at Pibsbury this summer:


This chap's from Langport and has made his own short film, praps a night out at the flicks?

Forget POLLING STATION on Thursday next week, how about DRINKING STATION?

 and finally, give this one a go this summer. Lots and lots to see and do, and dance to, and drink....


and come on folks, to say "I'd rather just see them at Eli's" is just daft. This country show is so much more. There's no comparison. Great location, shelter if it rains, fun for the kids and live music. Two days of it! [Praps do Eli's and the show eh?]


That's your Thursday blog post done and dusted. Thanks for the contributions and log in again soon!

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