Carry On Langport's Archives

Thursday 28 April 2016

Carry On Teacher!


Old Langport Primary School registers come to light.

If you're not interested in local history...look away now.

For more than three decades my family and I have been in possession of some old Langport and Huish Primary School registers from the early 1930s.

They belonged to my Great Aunt Gertrude (1900-1982) who was one of nine children born to my great-grandparents Albert George and Emily Jane Bown in Wearne (at The Old Thatch and later Merricks Farm). Gertrude lived out her life at 47 Garden City with her sister Ada.

When both passed away in the early 80s, we found the registers in their house and took them home. Now I've dug them out again in the attic.

Pictured: Gertrude Bown, my grandad's sister, who was a teacher at Langport (and other nearby villages) until her retirement in the early 1960s.

The registers Great Aunt Gertie kept include long lists of pupils who in the early 30s attended what was then known as 'Langport and Huish Episcopi Council School'.

That's the current old Victorian primary school still operating in North Street.

The registers read like a 'Who's Who' of the families who lived across the parishes almost a hundred years ago and, for some of you at least, will make a fascinating read. There are even marks for individual pupils in reading, comprehension, dictation and arithmetic.

There's never really been anywhere proper to display them. So why not stick them on the 'Langport Blog' I thought.

The photographs are as clear as I could get them, I hope you will be able to zoom in and read them alright.

For me the registers are a delight, they not only include several of my father's cousins I never met...but also Aunts and Great Aunts and Uncles on both my father and mother's sides who I certainly did know in my youth. Hopefully you too will spot a relative or old friend. I'm sure you will. Let's face it...many of our families have been inbreeding for decades round 'ere. I should know...take a look at my feet.

State education in the 1930s must've been a world away from what it's become today. But then it's also changed hugley since the 1970s when I went to primary school.

If Great Aunt Gert came back for a day, her jaw would surely hit the ground when she heard what utter nonsense teachers have to put up with today. Calm down Gertie's called 'progress'.

If anybody would like to see the registers 'in the flesh' or get some copies of them then please message Carry On Langport's Facebook page and I'll see what I can do.

There may also be a plan to pin up colour photocopies of the registers somewhere on the wall at The Rose and Crown, not sure yet.

Above: Gertrude in the early 1930s, with one of her brothers, probably taken in the garden at 47 Garden City.

To give you some idea of how old the children listed in the registers might have Aunt Grace Bown appears a number of times (Gertie's niece) and she was born in 1925. So I guess we can assume all of the youngsters listed were more or less under the age of ten.

So here we go...

December 1931. Examination Results. Combined score for reading, comprehension and arithmetic.

Olive Spearing came top of the class closely followed by Henry Allen and Eileen Bown. A handful of the pupils missed the exam including Betty Small, Rose Woods, Jesse Woods, Nora Baker, Norma Miller and Phyllis Worner.

Xmas 1932. This large group looks like it was divided into 3 different classes. Examination List.

Top marks appear to go to Gladys Lock, Arthur Blackmore, Marion Allen and John Spearing. Coming in at 2nd place in the 3 groups are Mary Pocock, Allan White and Wallace Vile.

Xmas 1933. Class List.

Total scores were given here out of 70. The pupils in the top five were Phyllis Richards, Arthur Bown, Ernest Walters, Grace Bown and Colin Small.

Christmas 1935.

Top marks for reading, comprehension, dictation and arithmetic went to Pamela Winters, Joan Elston and Derek Wheeler. Maurice Oliver, John Crossman and Leslie Langford also did well.

There are plently more lists but the ones I've published here appear to be the cream of the bunch.

Carry On Langport hopes you have enjoyed this trip down memory lane, please pass on to friends and relatives who may recognise some of the names.

We are also delighted to say that a few (just a few) of the names on these old 1930s school registers are still alive and kicking! Marvellous! What's your secret?

Thank you Great Aunt Gertie for preserving this little bit of Langport history for us.

Ps - wish we knew where exactly in the garden at number 47 you buried all your money. I've snuck back in the night 3 times since the 1980s but have only found dirty VHS videos under the hollyhocks....disgusting...who lived there after you?

Other Bowns still living in Garden City were contacted about this by Carry On Langport but refused to comment.

There are no further details at present.

Sunday 24 April 2016

Langport Girls Deported


Spain expels Kelways staff

The Spanish Embassy has confirmed that a number of Somerset women, two of them staff at The Kelways Inn,  were 'asked to leave' the island of Mallorca earlier today after the resort of Magaluf was reportedly devastated by their visit.

Complaints about all-night parties, drinking competitions and strip poker games were made to police within a day of their arrival. On Saturday Spanish Television cancelled its bullfighting to go live to the scene where the 'Kelways girls' were filmed up palm trees semi-naked singing the Queen happy birthday.

Jose, and his brother Hose B - both local firefighters - said they were called to the Hotel Getemoff (pictured above) on Thursday where a drinking game involving Sambucca started fires on at least four different floors.

A spokeswoman for Kelways who didn't want to be named - Amy Cooper - said she would be "disappointed" if the reports coming from Spanish Police were true.

"The girls have really let me down" she said, "they know drinking competitions are far better with spiced rum - what were they thinking?!"

 There was even an incident on the plane at Bristol Airport on the way there (above), when one of the Langport girls heard that Easyjet had run out of gin.

There are no further details at present.

Anyone with anymore photographs of the holiday is urged to pass them on to Carry On Langport in the usual way. 


Saturday 23 April 2016


...Rose and Crown relaunches its Wednesday evening extravaganzas...

The first leather sale of the year took place at Eli's this week. On Wednesday, dozens of bikers from across Somerset turned up to sell their wares. It follows the enormous success of the events last summer and so the pub decided to 'carry on biking' for 2016.

"The relaunch on Wednesday was marvellous" said the landlady, "I've never had so much leather in my garden!"

The Chairwoman and vice-chair of Huish Episcopi Parish Council were among the first to park up this week (above).

"It's great to have it back!" said the Vicar at St Mary's, who was seen buffing her fuel tank in the vestry this morning.

But not everyone's happy, "I've been parking my mobility scooter under those hanging baskets for thirty years" said one local, "but on Wednesday I had to pull over in the old sand's a disgrace"

Bike nights are every Wednesday at the Rose and Crown throughout the summer.

Thursday 21 April 2016


Happy Birthday old Ma' Windsor!

The old lady living in the large detatched house at the end of The Mall is celebrating her 90th birthday today.

Flags are flying on church towers across the country and bells will be rung too - including at St Mary's in Huish Episcopi at 8pm this evening (apologies to republicans living across St Mary's Park and Courtfield)...beacons are also being lit tonight at various locations.

Congratulations to Somerton for one of the best local displays...union jacks are hanging from several buildings in the town centre and along its main streets.

"We were hoping the town council might have done something similar down here" said a shopkeeper on Bow Street at Langport, "Never mind, maybe they'll get it together for her 100th."

We're also getting reports Her Majesty and The Duke of Edinburgh turned up at The Devonshire Arms in Long Sutton last night for a romantic birthday dinner for two.

But it didn't go well - moments after sitting down in the restaurant, the manager told them they were too middle class and asked them to leave.

The Queen, pictured above minutes later in the queue at Tony's Fish and Chips in Somerton, wasn't amused.

Don't let it ruin your birthday Ma'am and God Save You.

( and sorry about that Battle of Langport business...we really should've known better...we were all just a bit bored that weekend...Eli's was closed for its new men's urinals to be installed and The One Stop doors had got stuck again and we couldn't get any won't happen again Ma'am )

Sunday 17 April 2016

As spring rears its head...


Ten wonderful reasons why you should encourage friends and family to visit the marvellous Langport area this year:


Mingle with our town and parish councillors at the local outdoor pool...

Take advantage of the special offers at Langport's main supermarket...

Bring your children to Langport Rec where they can meet and play with youngsters from Eastover...

Stretch out and enjoy the sunshine with locals on the riverbank at Cocklemoor...

Do some sightseeing...hop on to our excellent transport network and go and see if you can spot some local hippies...

Check out one of England's first ever 'eco-prisons'...

 Visit The Hanging Chapel and see what really goes on inside a Freemasons' Lodge...

 Pop in and see the excellent facilities at the award-winning Portcullis House Old People's Home...

Let Julian Temperley and his wife show you around their most-excellent cider making operation at Stembridge...

and meet the two women who run the place: Langport Town Council Leader Janet Seaton and Huish Episcopi Parish Council Leader Dame Shirley Nicholas....pictured below at a recent licensing committee meeting at The Rose and Crown...

Who needs the Costa Del Sol when you've got all this?


This Carry On Langport article was inspired by a recent Facebook feature - many thanks to the author. Here's the link:

Saturday 16 April 2016


Remake of Wizard of Oz being filmed at Kelways.

The Kelways Inn has admitted the 1930s movie classic The Wizard of Oz is being secretly remade on its premises. The above photograph, taken in the ladies cubicles last Sunday, was leaked to the press earlier this week and has triggered mounting excitement among film enthusiasts. 

- and in the early hours of this morning (Saturday) these local drinkers were seen being recorded singing the film's hit song 'Follow the Yellow Sick Road' on the pavements between Eli's and Kelways.

The production company says they are still auditioning for some of the major roles.
"Julian Temperley's agreed to play the scarecrow....but we don't have a lion or tin man yet." said a spokesman as he read through several applications from Somerton to play the Fairy Queen.


Filming is expected to be completed in the coming weeks.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Midweek News...

NASA confirms its 1970s space probe Voyager I has touched down on the Halfway House near Pitney...

Amid reports that waste from the local abbatoir could be used to power the heating at Huish pool...Romford Meats says its staff are already "carrying out tests"....

Langport boyband Fast Decline wave farewell to fans from their tour bus as they head back to University after their Easter holidays...

and the Landlady at The Kelways Inn warns her female customers for the third time this month that when using the toilets they are only permitted in one cubicle at a time...

...that's it for now...more news at the weekend!

Saturday 9 April 2016


So who was it?

A crown court jury has this week cleared a Langport man of syphoning off electricity and gas from a local children's charity to run the pub he once managed.

After hearing detailed evidence and testimony, the 12 men and women at Taunton decided that Michael Gomez had nothing to do with the fact that BIBIC was powering The Kelways Inn, most of Langport, Huish, Wearne, Ilminster traffic lights and a dodgy nightclub near Croydon.

It begs the question, 'so who was it then?'

We will leave that to the experts. In the meantime, Carry On Langport is happy to report that Mr Gomez, spotted dancing on the roof of the Hanging Chapel last night with BOTH trouser legs rolled up, has been completely cleared by a crown court jury.

We asked the Kelways Inn for its response to the verdict, but the pub was too busy answering letters of complaint about the noise last night from residents in Trowbridge, Shepton Mallet, Sparkford and Fuengirola.

There are no further details at present.

Thursday 7 April 2016

District Nurse 'badly hurt' Langport Surgery's new automatic doors short circuit again...

A nurse at Langport Surgery says she's considering legal action after getting stuck in the new automatic doors at the practice for the third time this week.

Sister Olive, pictured above moments after the most recent incident, is now refusing to use the surgery's main entrance and will only go in via the fire escape.

Several other people have also complained.

"Last Tuesday they kept snapping at my sample....THREE TIMES I had to go home and get a refill" said a Drayton woman who didn't want to be named.

Langport Town Councillor Cara Naden also had problems...

"The bloody things wouldn't open unless I put down my guitar and took off my daisy chain" she told us, as she chained herself to a tree on the new Bartlett's Elm estate for the fifth time this year.

But not everyone's upset - Muchelney Potter John Leach says he's never laughed so much in his life after the doors closed on his apprentice's jugs this morning.

A spokeswoman for the surgery told Carry On Langport the matter would be sorted in the coming weeks.

"It had better be" said Thorney Lakes owner Richard England, "I've got 300 nudists coming to the area in the summer....we don't want any accidents."

If you've had anything snagged in the new doors at the surgery, please send in details in the usual way.


Saturday 2 April 2016

From our readers...

A selection of letters (mainly e-mails) to the Editor.

We strive to publish all correspondence with Carry On Langport but will refuse to print anything abusive or threatening.

Dear Sir,

Could you please tell us when 'bike nights' will start again at the Rose and Crown in Huish Episcopi.

The events were a highlight of our year in 2015 and there was nothing my wife and I liked more than putting on leather trousers, tops and jackets and heading down to Eli's every Wednesday...even though we're not the slightest bit interested in motorcycles.

I'm delighted to say that over the winter we both got tattoos in Yeovil. Mine says 'detention' and my wife's says 'Cane me here'. So we are more than ready for the relaunch of 'bike nights'!

Many thanks.

Mr and Mrs Saunders, Kingsbury Episcopi.


To the Editor,

Thank you for your recent coverage of my horrific accident at Pitney Village Hall when two Village People violently pushed me into the buffet as they danced to their favourite local band - Three Tonnes of Arse.

May I point out though that you are incorrect when you report that I was "catapulted into a bowl of coleslaw", it was infact tuna pasta.

Apart from that, every other aspect of your story was completely accurate and I still await my compensation from the two men - whom I believe are still on the run.


Vivien Winterburn, Pitney.


Dear Sir or Madam,

Just a quick note from our hide-out in the bushes near Aller to say that there was a slight error in your report of the night we pushed a woman's face into a bowl of trifle at Pitney Village Hall.

We are not civil partners, no no no, we had only just met.

Apart from that, every other aspect of your story was completely accurate.


Nicholas Wheller and Christopher Smolden.


To the Editor,

Could you inform your readers that throughout the period of the Nudefest planned at Horney Lakes near Langport this summer - we will be suspending our dyke dredging operations to avoid any distress.

Thank you,

The Environment Agency. 


 Dear Sir, 

During a particularly rampant meeting earlier this year we realised we had lost the plug to our hot tub.

Would you ask Tesco if we could possibly have one of know...the ones sewn into the bottom of their handheld shopping baskets.

We would be most appreciative.

Many thanks,

Langport Freemasons, The Hanging Chapel.



I recently bought the cottage next to the Hanging Chapel. 

Being an outsider - I was born in Somerton - can I just say that I am rather alarmed at the amount of Langport  refugees flooding through the chapel at night - seeking a better life in Huish Episcopi. Is anything being done about this?

Secondly, some Monday nights I hear the noise of bubbling and gurgling coming from upstairs in the chapel. Sometimes I even see kippers being thrown out of the windows. It all seems rather can I get involved?

All the best,

Name and address supplied. 


If you'd like to contact Carry On Langport - please do so in the usual way.

Friday 1 April 2016

Watch out...


The Number 38's about!

Award-winning Somerset bus company Vebber is refusing to confirm or deny rumours it's about to rename itself  'Waltzer Buses'.

It's believed the name change could be based on what happens to passengers whilst inside the vehicles.

One of the firm's services is the number 38 through Langport to and from Taunton. Passengers call it 'the rollercoaster route'

"I've got no complaints!" said an Eastover woman, "The punctuality is marvellous! I often fly off in Taunton before I've even sat down."

"Brace yourself going around Wrantage bend though" said a retired plumber from Meadow Close, "my wife and I ended up on the driver's lap for the rest of the journey last Thursday...she was delighted"

In Taunton, 5 Long Sutton shoppers are missing after being forced to jump into the Anne Summers' shop as the number 38 triggered a supersonic bang as it went through. They haven't been seen since...neither has the number 38.

A spokeswoman for Vebber Bus - pictured above - refused to reveal the secret of the firm's success but hinted that it maybe due to the fact that several of their drivers used to test drive the dodgem cars at Bridgwater Fair.

There are no further details at present.

...for more accurate, up-to-date and reliable local news....log on to: